Flattr in Spanish

Linus Olsson
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2011

Qué? Flattr in Spanish? Oh yes, thanks for all the awesome people who contributed to the Flattr translation project, from now on you can browse the Flattr site in Spanish! You can read the warm welcome on our blog, and here you can learn how the Flattr video was created in Spanish back in 2010. I asked Enrique Colinet, the pioneer of the Flattr video translation about the dubbing process.

What do you think of Flattr? Why did you start to use it?
Flattr is an essential service for all kinds of creative people. There is only one thing better than getting some recognition for the stuff you made, and it’s being rewarded for your effort. Flattr is the key for that. I started using Flattr because I knew many people liked the stuff I made, and I never liked the idea of asking them for money in case they wanted to support me. But Flattr makes everything easier for both parts: I offer them the possibility of rewarding me, and they have the option to do it easily just if they want.

Why did you decide to dub the video?
I’m a big fan of dubbing, voice acting, etc… when I watched the Flattr video for the first time, I knew that dubbing it into Spanish would be a good idea: not only I would practice, but I would also help many people to understand what was Flattr all about. Back then, I didn’t know if Flattr would be successful, but I was 100% sure that it was a pretty innovative idea and that it needed some recognition.

Tell us the process of the creation!
Well, I must say that the guys from Flattr helped me a lot. I sent them an email and I got a pretty quick response not even a day after my request. They helped me out sending me the original video in HD and the raw music file, so I just needed to translate the text into Spanish and record it with my voice. After that, I got their permission to upload the video to my YouTube channel. The best part was having the video promoted in the Flattr’s blog. That’s how I got my first “Flattrs”!

Do you think Flattr is for Spanish people? Do you think the Spanish website will help it spread in Spain?
For sure! Spain and Latin America have plenty of very creative people. Most of them just needed a more accessible site, and having it entirely in Spanish gives them no excuse in order to join the Flattr community. We’re not very well known for giving money and not expecting something in exchange. It will be very depressing if Spanish people would refuse to join because of the 2€ minimum charge per month. We need to change our mindset. We need to learn that the only way we can continue enjoying the content that we like is if we reward content creators, and Flattr is the cheapest and fastest way to do so.

What would you suggest for those who’re considering making the video in other languages?
First, you need to have a pretty clear idea of what Flattr is all about. If your words don’t communicate the idea clearly, thousands of people will not join the community, meaning that many creators will lose the opportunity of being rewarded for what they do. You will be the voice of a new era for content creators. Don’t waste this opportunity, do your best, believe in how Flattr will help so many people, trust your voice, trust your words and go for it! You might help many creators in the future in the same way that YouTube discovered talents that nowadays are worldwide sensations!


Image from Flickr by limONeti



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.