Flattr Rocked SXSWi

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2011

Yee-haw! We’re back from Texas, full of BBQ (and iPads!)

We told you in a couple of blog posts back that we’d be in Austin, Texas for the South by Southwest Interactive Festival, and it was great to see some of you there. Here’s a quick recap of what a great experience and setting it was for all of us and the Flattr system. Read more at FlattrChattr for some behind the scenes tidbits and more fun stuff.

Exactly one week ago (Saturday the 12th), we hosted our panel session at the SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin TX “Rewarding Creators and Crowdfunding” along with our friends from Makerbot / Thingiverse, Demotix and Readability. Unfortunately it wasn’t streamed nor videotaped, but there was an audio recording captured for a podcast to be released sometime in the future. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear from the SXSW organizers of when that might be.

UPDATE: Audio online now here: http://schedule.sxsw.com/events/event_IAP000327

During the session, Linus and Eileen had the opportunity to talk with Turi Munthe, Rich Ziade and Marty McGuire and hear from them as to why they went ahead to implement Flattr (Thingiverse and Demotix, more on that below) or their own systems (Readability), and then we discussed more generally about whether this culture of “rewarding creators” was sustainable and would grow. The good news is that we’re all going to keep doing our best to make sure it does.

Most gratifying for us was the Q&A when many of the audience members came up to the microphone and thanked us all for what we were doing. Great to hear, but ironic because of course we were there to thank them (and you) as our users for supporting our goals!

Finally, it was during the session itself that Demotix officially announced its partnership with Flattr — Welcome to the Flattr family! We’re really excited about this since so many mutual users, supporters and fans of both companies have been suggesting that we get together for months and months. And the official integration comes just in time for such world-impacting events in Libya and Japan. Go check the site out for true on-the-ground photos and give a flattr click or two.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.