Flattr teams up with a major broadband provider in Sweden

Linus Olsson
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2011

It’s good to have friends who share your interests and passions. We’ve become good friends with Bredbandsbolaget, second largest internet service provider here in Sweden, that is part of global mobile giant Telenor. They, too, want to more great content on the web, and so we’ve teamed up to help the people who create it get paid.

Bredbandsbolaget will help to spread the word about Flattr as a way to reward creators, and allow Flattr account creation via their portal. Furthermore they are funding the Flattr accounts of a thousand of their customers for three months with 50 Swedish krona (about 5€) per month each. This offer is available to new Flattr accounts created through the Bredbandsbolaget site.

Like Jesper Hedblom from the broadband company puts it: We believe that the more creators get rewarded for their work, the richer and more diversified the range of web content will be. Needless to say we agree wholeheartedly. Cheers to our new friends!



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.