Flattr went offline…at the Brighton Mini Maker Faire

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2011

The Brighton Mini Maker Faire took place in the Brighton Dome last Saturday, and as we promised we were there spreading Flattr QR codes. We wanted to make sure that the 50 makers* showing their creations knew how to use Flattr to get people to support them online and offline.

Many makers were new to the idea but after a quick explanation most got interested in displaying the QR codes in their stands. Next step was recommending them to tell the visitors what it was and why people should flattr their work. Having a few Flattr flyers around helped. Finding the time while demoing their things to people was definitely the biggest challenge for the makers.

What we’ve learned for the next time

Here’s the thing — you’re going to be really busy before and during the event setting up your stand, checking that everything works properly, and once the crowd shows up, entertaining them. You won’t have time for much else. Here are three tips if you’re going to the next Maker Faire or to a similar event:

1. Set up your account with Flattr before the event.
2. Print out a BIG QR code (find it in your account).
3. Tell visitors to use their QR scanner apps if they like what you do and want to support you.

This way you can focus on chatting and demoing whatever you’ve cooked up for the show, and make it easy for others to support you.

A day at the Brighton Mini Maker Faire was a great way to meet people who are making things and it was good to introduce hundreds to the concept of Flattr, our buttons and QR codes.

So the seeds are planted, and you can listen to Mike Pountney — one of the organizers from the Brighton Maker community — telling us why there is a chance that they’ll grow big. Less metaphorically, it’s about the Maker Faire and why it’s a good match with Flattr.


You can read more about this event from the Maker Faire Tumblr site, look at our pics of the event on Flickr, or flattr the makers you like.

*Maker: Basically, people who make things. Things that you can’t buy in shops (yet), things like Dalek. Things made with passion, curiosity and hard (brain) work.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.