FlattrChattr: 50th post!

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2011

Thank you all for having joined us during the first three months of this blog. We’ve now reached the 50th post, and want to give you a bit of a review of what’s been going on and what our most memorable posts and topics have been so far.

But first we’d like to introduce ourselves, as it feels like it’s about time. Currently we’re mainly two authors here from the official Flattr team, Zsofi Nemeth and Marie Axelsson. Zsofi is originally from Hungary but based at the London office, and Marie is from Sweden, based in Malmö.
We’ve been working from scratch on how we should use FlattrChattr and what kind of content we should bring you.

Our three most viewed post have been:
Profile Feature: Dubmood
Wikileaks: Why Flattr didn’t budge to the pressure
Do you still want to give to get

That last one, is also the one post that you engaged with the most. Our top three most engaging posts:
Do you still want to give to get, as you really proved you did.
What’s happened in March? Share your results.
Feedback: Show your irl face!

These Top 3 lists show us what kind of content you like, but we’d also like to know if there’s anything missing on here, and we’d absolutely love the feedback.

The most memorable thing isn’t just one, but it’s all the great creative people and projects we come across in our work. There are such amazing initiatives people make and great random madness out there. We want to thank you for this experience!

We feel that we want to give back even more to the community, since we get flattred. So we’ve decided that we’ll start to flattr some things each month, with this FlattrChattr account, as we choose best. If you’ve got any suggestions or recommendations, feel free to drop a line and we’ll look into it.
Of course we’ll be completely transparent with this so you’ll be able to see what we’ve flattred.

Thank you for the past 50 posts, and hope you’ll stay with us as we develop for the next 50!



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.