HowTo: Flattr in

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2011

How long have we wanted to add buttons to all the great blogs out there? A lot of good projects start on freely hosted blogs in order to be able to get some support and afford to buy hosting later on.

[caption id=”attachment_2649" align=”alignleft” width=”234" caption=”By Kevin Mcphail”]

[/caption]Now Wordpress has done one clever move. They added something under their settings called Sharing, (check out this post for some pictures), through it you get a few of the normal buttons, like Facebook, Twitter and StumbleUpon. They were also added the possibility to add something all on your own! Yes, you guessed right! This means you can add Flattr to it!

We want you to help us try this out. Together with our tool we’ve tossed together these nifty little instructions of how to do it:

Basic guide:
Go to your Dashboard for your blog
Go to Settings -> Sharing
Under Share Button there’s a box that says Available Services
Find the Link for “Add a new service”, and you’ll get to fill out these fields:
Service name: Flattr
Sharing URL: <- Change your “%username%” to your username on Flattr. (ergo remove the % around it as well ;))
Icon Url:

This only involves the sharing url, follow the other instructions in basic. The above url is the most basic one, and at least those two parameters have to be there.
The full url can be built like follows (remove the line breakers):

Or use any pieces of it. Don’t forget the & inbetween:
user_id=%username% Replace %username% with your username on Flattr
url=%post_url% Fetches the URL of the given post.
titel=%post_title% Fetches the title of the post.
description=%post_excerpt% Fetches the excerpt/description from your post and sets it as Thing description
language=%lang% with your language just in the thing, a list of the alternatives can be found here
tags=%post_tags% Fetches the tags from your post
hidden=%hidden% replace %hidden% with a 1 if you want to show the thing to be listed or 0 of you want it hidden
category=%post_category% Replace %post_category% with one category from the list of categories can be found here.

Good luck! And please do show us the epic results in the comments!

Cheers to Kevin for making yet another post logo.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.