Instacast — the podcatcher that gives back

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2012

It takes an hour to listen to an average podcast show. It takes much more than that to prepare and research, record, edit and upload an episode. So it’s no wonder that people want to flattr the shows they enjoy.

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Two months ago the team behind Instacast podcatcher (podcast browsing and listening app) integrated Flattr and voilà! the world was ever so slightly a better place. How come?

Listeners mostly enjoy podcasts from their mp3 players and phones and before Instacast they had to remember to go to their computers, find the show again and hit the Flattr button. Instacast made it simple right after they finished listening to the show, even offering an auto-flattr option.

Here’s how it works:

1. Download Instacast and launch it
2. Add some podcasts to listen to (it handily recommends some popular ones)
3. Open Settings > go to Flattr menu
4. Sign in with Flattr (and turn on auto-flattr)
5. While listening to podcast you’ll see Flattr button at the bottom of the screen

Instacast also prompts you to turn on auto-flattring every now and then and it really is handy.

Wait, Instacast is iOS only, what about Android?

Good question, we asked the same from our Twitter followers last week and from the response it looks like there are tons of listeners out there who’d use it. However, we haven’t heard or found any Android podcatcher yet that supports Flattr.

So we’re inviting all Android developers to get in touch if you already have developed a podcatcher or thinking about it — get in touch, let’s talk. My email is

I’m a podcaster, how do I make my podcast flattrable?

The simplest solution is by using our Wordpress plugin and activating Flattr in your RSS feed. You can do the same manually — the directions how to do that are available in our “Flattr in feeds” documentation.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.