Now you can flattr charities

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2011

Maybe you’ve seen these? They mean that from now on you can flattr charities! We’ve added a section to the site where you can give money to awesome charities.

We’ve teamed up with, a wonderful service that helps you give money to charities via a monthly budget. We love what Jason Pratt and his team have done and so we thought “Hey let’s combine great stuff” so givv now has a flattr account, and you can flattr some of the most well-known charity organizations in the world via flattr + givv.

Get going and flattr Doctors without Borders, Greenpeace, WWF, Save the Children, Amnesty or why not the Red Cross

Beside the ones via givv, Peta Germany and Odyssey have also joined directly, and so we say “Välkommen till Flattr” of course.

You can find all things from approved charities here >>

Subscribe to some of your favorite charities and know that you’ll automatically flattr each month.
And of course any verified charity accounts don’t pay the usual 10% fee.

If you want your charity organization on Flattr, follow the instructions here >>




Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.