Science, podcasting and whiskey with Matthias Fromm

Linus Olsson
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2011

Passionated about podcasts and science — a great fit to start a podcast about science and researchers.

I’m mainly concerned about the people who move into science and conduct research. I want to open up the world to the young guns within the research enterprise.

Who is he?
Matthias Fromm is a science geek, podcaster and whiskey lover. He currently lives in Berlin, but he’s spent his fair share of time in Sweden studying International Media And Communication at Uppsala University. While in Sweden he also took the time to visit the two Swedish Single Malt distilleries, Grythyttan in Ekeberg and Mackmyra in Valbo near Gävle.
For several years he’s worked at Europe’s largest combined research unit for information and communication technology (ICT), the Fraunhofer ICT Group which is also part of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization.)

His new podcast project, Scientists in Progress, just launched it’s first interview. The podcast will be featuring interviews with junior scientists who are in progress of earning their fame within the science community.

What’s the idea behind Scientists in Progress?
- I’m mainly concerned about the people who move into science and conduct research. I want to open up the world to the young guns within the research enterprise.

- Within science and research there’s a lot of dependency on who gives the funds to support it, yet it’s even more dependent on the people who have the ideas, who do the actual work. Matthias wanted to highlight these people, find out what keeps them going, where they get their ideas from, what they do in their everyday to day lives and how they cope with the pressure.

Collaborative Rockers which is a collaborative project about music, is another project of his. It’s mainly about rock and metal music but the show covers music, films literature, science, culture, technology and adventure that is some how related to music.

Matthias the supporter
Not only is he supplying content to Flattr, but he actually sees himself as more of a giver than a receiver.

Flattr is a very nice way to show people respect for their work and to give them a bit of support.

Flattr has developed into a tool for giving instead of receiving for me. Currently I mainly support podcasts and blogs or single blogposts. I do so by either flattr’ing them individually or by subscribing to them on flattr. The individual things that I flattr are public on my profile, additionally I have around 40 subscriptions.

5 things Matthias recommends:
Chaosradio Express because it’s a fantastic interview podcast that often turns its focus in geeky stuff (I also support other projects that Tim does)
Philip Banse, because he’s a very good journalist who has a couple of great podcasts out there (Medienradio, Küchenradio, Datenschau)
omegataupodcast, because Markus does a great job interviewing scientists from a broad range of fields
Astrodicticum Simplex, because Florian Freistetter is a great scientist himself and writes a lot of stuff worth reading
xenim, because they do a great job streaming a lot of podcast live
Bonus: — To really show what he likes, Symphony of Science:

Want to connect with Matthias? Find him at all the cool places: Facebook, Google+, Xing, Twitter and Delicious to mention a few.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.