Successful Podcasts in 2011

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2011

The new year is getting close and closer. This is the most list intense time of the year and podcasts are very popular here on Flattr. Personally I believe it’s all about that the connection between a podcaster and their listeners is more intense, personal and direct, than most other relationships (like blogger/reader, photographer/viewer). So let me present to you;

Five popular Podcasts

5. Citizen Reporter gives us under-reported news by a Portuguese-American, activist-journalist based in Amsterdam. Chew on that combination. The host is well known as bicyclemark. [Flattr]

4. Linux Outlaws is a podcast by a dynamic duo of Fab and Dan (previously featured), two pragmatic geeks who talk about the latest news concerning Linux, free and open technology or anything else they deem noteworthy which may include such absurd things as hockey or bands you never heard of. [Flattr]

3. Bits und So is a weekly German podcast, about Mac and gadgets, hosted by Timo Hetzel and his crew . [Flattr]

2. Alternativlos was launched by two well-known German guys, Frank and Fefe. Alternativlos used to be a famous killer phrase in German politics. It means “there is no alternative”. The show is quite wide topic wise, but they care a lot for your privacy. You can read more about their show in a previous article by us. [Flattr]

1. CRE, Chaos Radio Express, by Tim Pritlove. Chaos Radio Express is a homage to Chaos Radio, when it comes to the name, but content wise it is it’s own show and have now been running for 6 years. Tim has been very successful with his podcast projects. I’m not showing off all Tim’s podcast projects, most of which cover the top 10, but all of them can be found through his profile or website. [Flattr]

Disclaimer: The list is a mix between the most popular German and English podcasts, and published in current order of clicks on the main url for the site
Picture CC-by-sa Tim Wang



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.