The future of music, and the best of 2011

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2011

In 2011, the world continued to see a lot of conflicts around copyright and intellectual property. With the Internet, humanity has made an incredible leap in ability to share information and art. It hurts me to see so much energy wasted on trying to stop this.

I envision a future where music and technology can live in peace, and I think Flattr plays an important piece in this puzzle. In 2011, we partnered up with SoundCloud so that tracks could be flattred directly from the SoundCloud player. also joined the fun, and in december, Youtify added deep Flattr integration. I look forward to see the party continue in 2012.

I am also thrilled to see so many music artists embracing Flattr as a sustainable source of income. Here are the top flattred music artists for 2011:

5. Proffesor Kliq
I hadn’t heard the beatuiful beats from Professor Kliq until I stumbled upon him in the Flattr Catalog. I wish him many flattrs for 2012! [Flattr]

4. Mosaik
The soft and melodic tunes from this electronic music artist reached my ears long before I knew about Flattr. As so many other good things, he is from my home country Sweden. [Flattr]

3. melodysheep
I LOVE melodysheep and his fantastic Symphony of Science videos. I hope he continues making them and inspire me for forever and eternity. [Flattr]

2. Binär Pilot
This music artist says that you can download all his music for free with one condition: that you share it with all your friends. At Flattr we love this kind of thinking. [Flattr]

Binärpilot — Thunderdays from Anthony Lavado on Vimeo.

1. Paniq
Paniq describes his music as “from the other side of the universe” and that description is definately fitting for this fantastic music artist. Keep up the good work! [Flattr]

What are your hidden music gems of 2011?



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.