Weekly Review: Flattr pieces

Linus Olsson
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2011


A discussion has started about micropayments (but mostly about Flattr) on Google +, so have a look what they think or join the conversation: Why have micropayments not taken off? — by Darren Barefoot.

Many people liked the article from Amanda DeMarco last week and she got several responses. One of them is on TeleRead: Small change: Can voluntary micropayments ever work?

#FlattrFriday just started to take off, and that is another very good way to express your thoughts about Flattr. A bit more about this on our Facebook wall.

Next week you get the possibility to meet Flattr people IRL at several places: meet Niklas at the Chaos Communication Camp in Germany, Linus at the Sweden Social Web Camp in, well, Sweden, or Marie at the OggCamp in the UK.

Flattr usage

Smoige.com is a site where users generate suggestions. Flattr was suggested and also implemented, so if you happen to be a Smoige user, you can have Flattr buttons in all your suggestions. They would like to flattr in every minute instead of once a month, which is a nice approach, but well, the more entries you got, the more possibilities you have to get flattred. In every minute. Look how you can implement the Flattr buttons into Smoige.

On Storybook you can tell your own stories, whatever that would be. The fun bit is that you can get a Flattr button for each of your stories automatically — all you need to do is to enter your Flattr ID in the Settings. Read more about it on Vidde’s site and then go and tell your story!

Music Manumit is a source for Creative Commons music and news, and you can find Music Show, Talk Show and Punk Show there to choose from. And they need your money: Give me money!

Other than English

As mush as Google Translate allows me to understand it, there is a slightly disappointed article on dradio.de, which talks about Flattr usage in German journalism: Flattr and Co.

An interview with one of our angel (investors), Stephan Glänzer discusses what makes a good Internet idea being successful: “Zuckerberg wanted to see pretty girls” (in German).

If you’re Spanish, we have several surprises for you! First, here is an introduction of Flattr that you can share with your fellow citizens who don’t know Flattr yet. You can find the world famous Flattr video talking in Spanish (thanks to BaxaTV on Youtube!) there as well. Also, hold on tightly, as the Flattr site itself will be available in Spanish, and you only have to wait until next Thursday for that.

Flattr is spreading in Hungary as well, and this week we got several new people participating in the translation project thanks to @atomvillanas, who featured a motivating post on his Posterous site. (Well done, my country!)

We still need your help to localize the Flattr site, and if you’re keen to take part, jump into Crowdin.

Spread the pieces

You can share the Flattr word by nice introduction posts like this, stepping into the 21st century or shouting out loud what you feel about Flattr. A bit more love into this scale? And hey, this is #FlattrFriday, so go and suggest one of your favourites!



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.