Weekly Review: Likes with balls

Linus Olsson
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2011

Right after the Weekly Review was published last week an interesting title appeared in my field of vision: If content is king, why are content creators slaves? I knew at that point that this post will be mentioned in the next review, and look, I even borrowed the title from it! It discusses the state of bloggers who don’t (necessarily) get paid, and that Flattr can be a suitable solution for this problem.


Very close to this topic and our “heart” is the paywall question. Techdirt reports about another paywall experiment in the US, but actually outside the US: Disappointing: The Onion Tests A Paywall. You can join the conversation whether ‘giving more reason to buy’ or forcing people to pay is the better solution. There are a few critical voices there about Flattr, but it seems Mark Masnick is satisfied.

As it appeared on Facebook earlier, we’re hoping that more newspapers discover that Flattr can be an alternative instead of a paywall. Share your ideas which newspapers you think could benefit from Flattr, or even, which one you would flattr?


If you missed it earlier, you’re still not too late to go to (or at least know about) these camps where you can meet us. Alternatively, you can look at this fab image of the Malmö Flattr team, having their fika. (I think it won’t be funny for anyone but for Hungarians, where fika means bogey.)

You must know already that the first 1000 Swedish Bredbandsbolaget (part of Telenor) users who sign up to Flattr through them will get their new account loaded with 3 x € 5, and this is how they’re notified : “Now we give you flattr — a new way to say thanks!

I found this FollowFriday ranking recently, and it turns out that not too many people recommend Flattr to be followed (except that peak at the end of July, that’s crazy). I don’t understand it, look at the great little stream we have there!


To satisfy other-than-English needs, here are a few articles about digital coffee (in German) or crowdfunding (in Spanish). If you have found a nice post in your own language, consider sharing that with us in the comments! Oh well, you could even share it if it’s English.

And as a self-advertisement, I would like to mention that I put together a list of all the Hungarian Things on Flattr. The aim is to form a little community of us, where we can feel flattrly connected, and also to show that from almost zero national Flattr content we can quickly come up to a nice pool of things. I’m hoping that after a short while I won’t be able to manage the growing list. Amen.

How is your nation doing on Flattr?


The British nation is boiling (not from a Flattr perspective), but fortunately the London Flattr office and it’s diligent workers were not affected by the riots. I haven’t even seen a pushed-over bin, like this.

Although, I should’t make jokes about it, so let’s just hope that it will fade away soon with the least possible damage.

The ball image (because of the title, hehe) is from Flickr and was created by baaasti.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.