Weekly Review: WTF

Linus Olsson
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2011

You might misunderstand me. But hopefully you’ll like this post without swearing as well. Here’s what it’s about: Many of you were complaining about how difficult it is to find what to flattr (WTF). We decided to give it a go and dedicate this review to either new, exciting, or simply undiscovered Things on Flattr. Maybe worth adding, that the following items are hand-picked by me, and you can’t find any kind of strategy (especially not influence) behind my selection. I was concentrating on Things with fewer flattrs, and I also tried to cover a broad area but, well, I have my limitations.

Some software:

The Android Market is almost like heaven. You enter, and after a few clicks (gentle touches) you’ll almost definitely find what you’re looking for. Except if you’re a coder. Those guys won’t be satisfied completely and they’ll just develop their own apps. Maybe this is why some of these programs were born:

1, Having a notepad on my phone is necessary for creative times (with more than an hour commute). BlackInk is a Notepad for Android, with the option to add text, list, or drawing to your entries.

2, I think this one here is the only case when you like Mustard on your phone. A practical app to manage your Twitter, Identica and Status Net accounts.

3, Do you have 25 friends (or more) with Android? Did you know that you can join your phones into a massive screen with Blinkendroid?

4, Heading back to the desktop, you can find relief in the Firefox Download Statusbar — at least I did when I started to use it few years ago.


1, There are lots of comics available on Flattr, but sometimes you just want to enjoy them in little doses (this one is German, but even I can understand it): ahoipolloi.blogger.de

2, Reading about reading can be fun as well: Kindle vs iPad on 2ality.com

3, Feminism. If you didn’t jump out of your chair, you may like this blog where Anita Sarkeesian, a media critic unfolds her (feminist) opinion in video commentaries: feministfrequency.com

4, My father’s won a trip to Africa. Seriously. I’m so excited, that I will read Phil’s blog until we find out if I can go instead of him. You can also read something that you may not know about Africa on Phil in the Blank


We think that artists or crafters are “groups” who can definitely benefit from Flattr. Here are some of them to adore:

1, Lee is a crafter, “maker of things, doer of stuff”. On her colourful site you can find much more than just knitting patterns: Enter the World of Geekcraft!

2, Ok, one more of this: Meet Dalek

3, We put an emphasis on (street) artists using Offline Flattr. Therefore I wanted to show you David Doyle, a “veteran entertainer and low budget iron maiden”, who performs a variety of shows: daviddoyleentertainment.com

4, This is the most random Thing for me so far. But I had flute lessons in primary school: Free Flute


Photography is simply important.

1, I can’t describe the feeling that hit me visiting the site of Matt Lutton and M. Scott Brauer. I’ll just send you there instead: dvafoto.com

Beer is important, too.

2, Before you go out this Friday night, enjoy how they brew it in New Zealand: thebeerproject.com

If you weren’t mentioned above, or didn’t find anything you fancy, don’t worry! We’re planning to continue this series to deliver an extract of flattrable things into your…browser. We would be happy to hear from you; tell us what kind of content you are interested in the most! Alternatively, it is a place for self-advertising, too. (Well, just a little.)



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.