What’s hidden in our newsletter header picture?

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2012

Yesterday I sent out our monthly newsletter that featured a header picture made up of a lot of logos, one scantily clad lady, one cute panda, and a gang of politicians wearing the Anonymous mask. 10 points if you recognized all of these from our catalog.

[caption id=”attachment_6194" align=”aligncenter” width=”600" caption=” “]


If you didn’t and you’re curious then here’s the list.

Everything Is a Remix is an ambitious four-part documentary on the history and cultural significance of sampling and collaborative creation by Kirby Ferguson.

The Juice Media: Rap News — the name really does say it all :) It’s something that can’t be described, it has to be watched.

Mihkel Uba Photography — Mihkel is a newcomer to Flattr but his dirty glamor shots are already receiving some attention.

DuckDuckGo is a new search engine that doesn’t track your search history not tailor its search results to you based on your past behavior and different assumptions, and the search results are really good too. Glad to see independent companies offering Google a run for its money.

Fanboys FM is a German podcast about all things digital. While sometimes a bit heavy on Apple-related issues they also cover computer games and politics, especially related to online topics.

World Wildlife Fund is probably the world’s most well-known organization fighting for the protection and often survival of all animal life on planet Earth.

Romantically Apocalyptic is a vision of an apocalyptic world Vitaly S Alexius (with the assistance of Meeshka and Chico) and meticulously painted. It’s an acquired taste but worth a look even if only for the gorgeous artwork.

Netzpolitik is a super popular and wildly flattred German site publishing news and analysis and the image of the Polish politicians protesting against ACTA comes from “Anonymous demonstriert im polnischen Parlament gegen ACTA



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.