Ontrauhvical (Envroty entropy geez)

Tropics of

New Terms, Pre-draft


If the reader is in vocational or personal capacity to further the usage of the following terms, then as the author I welcome the reader to the human idea domain of these below terms with mere short wordings being fair usage for all and uncopyrightable, and I encourage the reader to document and spread these words, freely and with no plagiarism of my supporting discussion. Paraphrasing is fine, and similar assessments or analysis are allowed.

Introducing the ‘SLIDING NOW’

Sliding Now is when you are reading this. To seemingly (and somewhat actually) digress, for purposes of supporting my theory with related conceptual presentation, herein I attempt to coin as a new term: the “sliding now”, differing from “as of now” time hack, which recedes in recent personal history quickly. The “sliding now” does not recede, always precedes the future (split-seconds ahead, out to epochs ahead) and always follows after the past (split-seconds ago, back to epochs ago).

On Copysocial Issues

(Stock agency illustration)

Transcript of message personal and never “privation”-ed

Header Scripts:

Left Header:

Copyable ideas and wordchains by all persons for
any type of gain…

Middle Header:

…without reference/cite/mention or quotation of this textblock,
and with such mentioning/citing/referencing NOT permitted…

Right Header (Adobe PDF):

if words chained of > 7 in count are not
presented as herein.

Message Body:


authored by Patrick L. Cheatham |

To Emma and others (after: paste from: copy of) while in to:Emma mode::
Greetings again. It’s nice to correspond with you. I’m doing well. I’ve recently considered various issues, and following
this grant of permission, is the text of what I’ve been crafting in prose between time of noticing Emma’s most recent
message to me, and the time of copy all this text of message (for my own building of distribution lists), then send.
[Permission to share this message, (in any of all forms textual, thus string literal content), as per each sharers also preprefer
to or no, is granted by me, concerning my original typing, electronically signed <Patrick Lee Cheatham, Captain
U.S.A.F. non-federal employee actively (alive and not re-tired repeatedly) thus general public active and of oath to
combat domestic “enemy trends” nationwide, Captain U.S.A.F. GPA NFE, President, Secretary and Treasurer of Talon
38 Personal Media, LLC, and M.S.A.E.>
] Professions of merit and ethical justification have been eschewed by
population majorities. This has for decades previously led to previously unraveling government linkage to link land
region subsets, such as province, county, city, etc. .. to pertain in reactive stance abilities to later (now previous) react to
difficulties in such professions. Ultimately this has roots in populations popular proclivity to herd at the television legal
training of “the 24 show” minus any semester of legal 101 in high schools, to vilify prostitution, and also another case in
point, to disregard state general assemblies. This has left governments unable to change to well and properly provide
integration with major professional capacities. This has been such that the (in notion relative scope indicated as ) 1%
influence of government involvement in these .com .org type entities is and has been rendered 0.00% involvement, such
that in time issues other than pesky KY and protective sheathing disposal issues are not the risk of no major issue, ever,
yet other awkward and 90% or greater “accidents of time” and less than 10% “acts of malice etc.” could likely have
rendered such professions very vulnerable to all sorts of other crunches and clogs and impasses upon persons. The
populations of huge spread and actually inclusive of all government .gov persons, prior to any “also”, includes so very
many persons blaming federal education departments. Federal educators, the total of which are comprised of: (states’)
county, and home school personnel, are everyone.
(The federal would fictitiously be hollow if all wooden map pieces
were to be removed.) Issues cross-relate to more than one-dimensional assessments of issues, such as legality of forms
of services. As a person who frequented a brothel in West Germany in 1986, I noticed procedures and government
linkages to processes, that over years, prior to days anew, did pre-render creeping malaise from wheedling into
otherwise fair and great professional capacities. Either some have mentioned, or I have invented in retrospective
interpolation and inductive reasoning, as I have, the notion that many wives of pesky husbands could at times go
shopping for someone to pan him off to for an hour or two, to get the silly man from being a tax on her time. That could
in notion pertain while she could attend to other more pragmatic daily concerns. Yes, I notice that on one axis, we have
a vilified issue of prostitution, in a republic/country of the worst of several mixed heritages: religion without actually
caring to visit church much, and just then a certain tightness and strictness of attitudes, for no apparent reason.
there are those illegalities of prostitution, ancient excepting in Nevada west of Las Vegas. That is dang of which is out
of my budget for cross country travel. Elsewhere than Nevada, then the inability for General Assemblies (who’s that?) to
legislate matters, plus that hidden election of primary (March? that’s obscure!) and the NYPD Blue televised education
in legal issues, is/are at issue(s). For example, as of now, after many visits I’ve previously consulted with physicians in
conversations, plus such many as previously consulted exchange of legal tidbits with police officers, from their
assertions to me on the legal codes true guidance, plus such as a few consulted with legal judges using legal codes to aid
another person escape a business place known as a hostpital, it became apparent to me that truly that pre[v)scriptions
[[defined as text printed or cursive by any means of displayable]] daily numbers and counts, are reference numbers of
pre-divided by 30 for species “patient” to possess convenient guides when blurry eyed in the morning, from which to
deviate from plus or minus, more or less, per each day, as patient desired. By legal codes of legal “manpower authority”
\_ (not discussing “human rights” of way, such as DMV pedestrian and interstate merge rights of way — to which no one
in the know would desire a “right” of way to much of anything, and would rather just possess human manpower
authority standard…) _/ — — not in any way obligated to consume more than zero or less than all bottle (full zero to total
range) per dosage, every day. The prev/scribed, consult is in kind as a tattoo artist visit, and the citi-zen is of powers
(unless opposed or coaxed, of course) to intake more or less, run out early, etc.. Species patient, I do (ahahahah “hope”)
dear (jane) Pope so, Pope john boy. At the moment of action potential when the spatula is approximately 55° rotated
whilst cooking, resorting to hope is very counterproductive, dropping the spatula and kneeling for hope at the fast food
restaurant. Continuing after a slight detour to see the other rock outcrops at Arches park, I dearly “pope” that species
patient is on the way out to extinction, and is not often referred to as such more, by 2028. Thus, Dis-(obey, via disengage
and run away, or dis-continue conversation)-Order of vime sequence pre(vime)dominance by another person is
the idea of disorders. Orter, Orver, and Order are issues of sequence -4,-3,-2,-1 etc. Placing orders for goods and
services out at shopping centers etc, is the main, rather than only seen as depicted on computer screens while making

purchase orders “order” from within shopping carts. On “www.toplocalsingles.com" I experienced various ideas
ocurrently to me while corresponding with members of the female gender, and those culminated to these ideas recently
related. An issue of merit is that many who enter into a marriage, or also the prostitution profession are then not much
enabled to assess encounter potential (after high school) to meet those of the opposing gender to potentially roommate
with, in marriage or not, and either way without that dang “Do you? I do. Do you?” of taking hands in marriage,
swapping questions of fish hooks with monkey knots on barb points into flesh, such that the answerer and sayer flops
into lobes and midbrains, reverse effect and crams inquiry deep in flesh. That’s because the raegio effect permeates
flesh, as does some sound though more attenuated. In the movie 4 weddings and a funeral, the minister was being
radiative of many more than a thousand watts of various Raegio (deprecating spelling of radio, but same in concept, and
deprecating frequency as just AC rate modified to excitation wiggle rate of metal to generate prior to exudence from
transmitter or transceiver) exudence independent of plastic and metal devices. Thus I plan to possibly aim to contact
toplocalsingles.com, Colorado general assembly house/senate democrats/republicans on Twitter plus more, to provide
them with some of this analysis, plus other analysis of courting (not dating, which is for carbon dating, and tracking
what the date is) being while married being grounds for any issue as to alimony and such, pointing to ancient and
derelict truly invalid yet operative legal codes on alimony issues relating to transition courting (not -ship, which closes
the hull to completed status) while married, etc., plus ancient relic illegalities concerning prostitution, should be worked
by 1. Lookup of State General Assembly 1A. congressperson related to citizen address district, 1B. senator related to
citizen address district 2/3. Copy of each’s address and email to clipboard 4/5. Paste of each’s address and email to
Contacts of email usage for desktop and laptop 6/7. Paste of each’s address and email to Contacts of usage for mobile
phone 8. Later testimonial text authorship of discoveries of inductive reason as to such interrelationships not known of
in grades 1–12, nor in optional college or legal schools, essay authoring on services internet, word processors, or in place
in email text blocks 9. Text appending onto analyses that the citizen would like their state general assembly to research
and consider the issue for voting into legal codification changes, such issues, plus consider the author of citizen text to
be contactable for further elucidation or extension beyond initial “letter to general assembly members on issues,
requesting consideration for research, bill proposal, vote, and possible legal codification, and requesting that the
submitting citizen be listed and referenced at the assembly as a resource of standard operations to avail general
assembly members” Thus, general assembly members could readily perform condoned contact outbound from general
assembly to the earlier message sender inner to the general assembly, for the general assembly members to further
perform research on exact same issue subtopic by polling again to the author of the sending to the general assembly had
early sent in a presentation of opinion posing some expertise of opinion, valid or mistaken, for general assembly
members to consider. This would be a notification by the general assembly, and import very much to not be termed a
request, and this would be a notification of option to provide further personal textual analysis from personal experience,
to again submit via email or road mail to the assembly. 10. After full text has been crafted, but before sending, consider
a listing incomplete and adjustable more and less, of other recipients to send the message to, such that the sole recipient
risk is mitigated, such that two or more recipients can then coordinate and know other persons are available to vouch
and refer to if in contest in their organization. A recipient list of 2 or greater is crucial, absolutely. Differing
landsizescopes of government, some .com, or .org, or other related to the issues works great for recipient listings. 11.
Send the first message to Twitter inboxes, Facebook inboxes, Messenger inboxes, USPS postboxes, email inboxes,
Instagram inboxes, etc, to which “senate democrats” “senate republicans” “congressional democrats”, “congressional
republicans” some deriviates of which exist in addresses @ for federal Capitol and state General Assembly accounts. {
RECIPIENT LIST: Colorado General Assembly Twitter HR, HD, SR, SD accounts, eventually all my followers’ on
Twitter message boxes via twitter messages, most of which are females, later post on Facebook if/when unsuspended,
and inclusion in my online book “Combating Mollification of Voicemen Languages (Cognitive, Vocal, and Textual” on
wattpad.com and at
https://ongoinglanguages.pro, plus more in similar connective relatedlies.} <For related issues as to
raegio, physics of light/raegio (not D letter to radio) order orter and orver, and entropic issues, see Twitter
@plcheathammsae deep scrolled records of profile tweets posted for lifetime of account, plus same at Facebook my
account, plus all Patrick Lee Cheatham publications accessible via patrickleecheatham.medium.com (or the opposite
sequence of 123 321 names order). >

end authored by PLC completed at 2024–05–27|~7:43pmMDT


Of interest to media broadcast, printed, and social legal codification issues relevant greatly of recent 30 years, in choking usage of internet writings such as blogs and also technical and nonfiction writings. This is a copy of posts to Meta and Instagram, that I send to your staff only for your study and pique that there are great problems facing us in copysocial, traderight, patentleft, and all rights reserved to all parties. I plan to attempt to paraphrase out the Instagram suspension issues, but I might botch the keys. ////// …. were mentioned to be in copyright violation. As a stock photographer for Adobe Stock myself, copyright is satisfied by way of no mention of photographer or stock service when using images such as those. I do however regularly caption “Stock agency photograph” as such legal N.O.L.O style codifications study is not evidently utilized much. Copyright, of no protection such as what should be traderight, prohibits censorship of wordchains of less than about 7–8 from being censored for usage by others in human domain of ideas, by persons imploring others persons to not use the same mentioned wordchains of short number 7 or less in other essays, posts, comments, books, etc., for any kind of gain. Violations of copyright are backward, as copyright protects the rights of the readers to copy, from reverse/inverse censorship by the author, than it does allow any other any exclusivity to human ideas, commonly known internal to flesh, upon reading. Copyright is being interpreted as Traderight or patentleft, and copy should be social “Copysocial”. I plan to write a small book on these subjects of copyright issues, buy from myself, and send some to many companies such as yours as well as points of injection to academia, government, etc. I plan to send a copy of this discussion on legal issues I am well read and experienced on since the formation of my first LLC in 2002, to NOLO and Rocket Lawyer, etc. and possibly to Meta accounts of legal personnel if I can discover them. I am a great advocate of social media, and social advertising over television and telephone archaic and relic usages. Please consider reopening my accounts so I can perform my business functions much better. Thank you. —


Realm: domestic (interior) — enemy trends

Defend: U.S. constitu\ents’ pursuits of happiness [[ Trend Evaluator Patrick Lee Cheatham Filemedia Producer Talon 38 Personal Media, LLC M.S.A.E. Captain U.S.A.F. *GPA/*NFE *General Public Active *Non-Federal Employee ]]


You sent

In addition, I am fairly sure but not ironclad, that “All Rights Reserved” utilizes the word “all” to mean all parties, readers, authors, publishers and so reserves return unto commonality of citizenship common enough rights to all parties. It seems to not make a Hoarder of the publisher. Thank you.

Time is to Entropic Inertia as Meters or Feet is to Shape. Shape is more Real than Measurements of It. (Stock Agency Illustration)


There are scientific truisms that relate to us the natural law absolutes of a “Predominance of Continuance of Matter”, and an “Absolute Inviolate of Continuance of Energy.” The first law of thermodynamics states and if elucidated on does explain much upon continuance of energy, which I believe is misworded with poor word choice of “conservation” which erroneously implies restriction to spatial region, or restriction to energy form, or restriction to active or potential modes. Returning to point, the property of matter and the property of space fabric empty that I attribute to holding and imbuing these Continuance Laws, I herein attempt to coin the double word term “Entropic Enprotia (of Matter and Space)”.

(The en- first syllable keys on the entre nous idea in the French language, with nearby and arrounding material gaurding more precisely positioned small zones if those zones were pressed by natural forces, human natures’ effects, toward zeroing out entropy, thus ensuing that zonal zones around the affected zone limt the entrophy atrophy. Atrophy of material entropy does reduce potential for change decayotic and creates chaotic or cayotic effects, cayenne. Entropy allows wind and rain and snow to make a mess, and also allows for any change and any molecular motion. Delta S > 0.3 and < 1.0 might be a way of viewing the notion, with never having been able and postulated to never be possible to greaten beyond nominal 1.0 positive rate generated by entropy, and if attempting by doing, then causing reduction below 0.99 and further. Yet I propose that not only is entropy, by properties of the periodic table of elements not documented or even fathomed but by a few persons before us, and not effectively published widely or taugtht widely, that Delta S (with S not equal to entropy, while the Delta of S is entropy, and the statis S numbers being notional levels from which to establish relative differential, the actualism entropy) could not fall to .01 of nominal 1.0 in notion, without a death star to blast so much projection of “freeze” or “lockdown for launch too much more with same result” in .5 milliseconds of lockdown to zero being atomically resisted, in human bodies) without enough mass arrounding to defend against entrophic assault. That assault would only be able to reduce entropic amounts to 0.3, in actuality I believe, with doubt, which would cause planet or asteroid wide misery extensive and long lasting, but not destroy matter into nonexistence, thus “continuance of matter,” not conservation spatial in same timeframe. If entropy could be reduced by a death star to 0.0 then the death star in any proximity would be in for universe-wide implosion and universes end, in fictional notion. This is discussed as not feasible, possible by absolute law confirmed by 9 senses of living since conception, with continuity of livingform existent to experience memory DNA in cells, and not truly loss of memory, but loss of “replayable” with reccall-back still actively available, during erase out of memory replay abilities at stages of character/person development - in zygote through puberty stages in the main.

To connect the two new terms, I relate to the reader, that is telling and interesting in my opinion, that the activelynow would possesses moment-timespan entropic-inertia “bulk” less than a millisecond in timespan, and surprisingly may be greater in timespan than some oscillatory frequencies existent would suggest (as oscillation is pure power/verb action, and the realnow breadth or bulk would be in the nature of noun substance, limited to Mach 1 in immediate vicinity molecule-to-molecule speed slippage, which is much less than the somewhat variable, to contemporary research, speed of verb action radio, infrared, light, ultraviolet, and more).


I have wondered that maybe some small but still sizeable fraction of one millisecond might be telling, if computer semiconductor-electric operations cannot act with resolution much less than the millisecond of overall clock, for physical repolarization of material noun substance componentry orientation. This I have not considered at length, nor have I researched to assert any estimation, but still I intuitively feel the timespan size of the realnow to be much larger than the maybe fictitious nanoseconds and picoseconds, to material matter capabilities. For now I’ll merely term it the less-than-millisecond moment size, that we have never exited, and that feasibly we will never exit, and that feasibly our deceased remains will never exit in futures beyond each of our lifespans, as a comfortable “time home” to live in.

The Less-Than-Millisecond Moment Size is metaphorically (and only metaphorically not actually) perpendicular to spatial extent (evident as size and shape of atoms, molecules, or of empty space (non)-fabric). This small-timespan bulk and impetus to continue onward (without disappearing from existence with the principle of “continuance [not conservation, which is poor terminology] of matter not in thermonuclear reaction**” as time unfolds), as coined Entropic Enprotia would be, to my theory, imbued in the nature of matter within atoms, and within empty space fabric, also. That’s where and within what I consider Laws of Scientific Nature to be imbued, in defiance of the default notion that physical natural law would be imbued in the backdrop or field of solar systems, galaxies, or the universe in total. Every shred of pencil eraser scrapings, to later wipe off of a piece of working paper, is very powerful and special to nature. Nothing is trivial, if keeping to strict terminology.

Preparation: Ancillary Side Supporting Notes

The Limits of the Term “Time”

The term “time” does somewhat mislead, but only minorly, as it is not the real entropic flow of our ever-changing sliding now, but instead time is a mensuration measurement system, with device electric physical excitation potential propagation speeds calibrated in design to match rotation rate of our planet, for the time numbers, and the orbital rate of our planet, for the Gregorian calendar contribution to time measurement and referral, when timespans greater than 24 hours are considered.

Keeping My Theory Invulnerable to Just One Irrelevant Criticism

I am very open to opposing or supporting constructive criticism, but debate between atoms and mesons and subatomic particles and neutrinos and superstrings is not a debate that is anything but counterproductive. I explain this next:

An Overly Spatial conceptual shape of an Atom (stock agency illustration)

(I chose atoms to discuss, to remain independent and regardless of questionably proven or unproven theories of particulate or discrete matter entities smaller than the series of many types of smallest atoms, familiar to the reader as each type being of differing atomic number. I believe with indeterminacy but self-compelling intuition, that maybe a version of reality of atoms being the smallest (and gladly with estimated but not provable 118 variety pack in size, of smallest extents per type of atom) material things to exist with any discrete/separable identity, to have great merit in implying that size divisions or internal segments smaller than an atom is a notion which makes no sense to a reality of spatial shape and extents inward and outward, unfamiliar to our relatively huge size, and in keeping with ancient historical Greek scientific concept. Regardless, if there be actually smaller discrete/separable identity particles or superstrings to matter, then what I have put forth should still hold valid but was just defined and discussed at the larger atomic scale, for broad agreeability independent of favored and ostensibly proven theories). Thus, atomic would be shifted downward in scale in keeping with Greek wisdoms, to the superstring, potentially crafted while playing with silly string.



The Differ and Deviate Nuance Theories
The Differ and Deviate Nuance Theories

Published in The Differ and Deviate Nuance Theories

The Differ and Deviate Nuance Theories — crafted by a novice. Earlier topics related contrary to pitfalls of “the perfective” [arcane/dismissed]. New topics relate contrary to “keeping” as “pristine:” — rustic or polished conditions, from overlooked lately or over-treated lately.

Patrick L. Cheatham
Patrick L. Cheatham

Written by Patrick L. Cheatham

I haven't immersed much in Television since the year 1979. My stories feature wordage relics from previous to 1990. Awkward decades old usage is the main.

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