Beautifying the Term Flaw

Patrick L. Cheatham
Nuance Contrast Zen
9 min readJan 25, 2021

Fully Switching the Reputation of the Imperfect

Flaw is a term and word that I use for holding a suite of concepts. This is atypical and nonstandard. The suite is a conceptual suite of operative notions intrinsic to the scientific nature of the universe, and applicable in all sciences and arts. These collected many ambient qualities to flaw (interchangeable with “imperfection”) bestow upon the follower of flaw a very true to nature and true to form mindset which infuses into all considering, interpreting, assessing, implementing, enacting, and affecting people and other parts of life, in our environment and beyond the planet Earth.

Flaw’s Beneficial Traits

Amazing and apt great beauties to what flaw does for people, places, items or things, and nature in total, seem well delivered and understandable better, if organized into three differing categories at the same tier level.

1. The Great Hidden and Disguised Benefactor

Flaw and imperfection are terms in contemporary global societies which often reflexively bring to mind ideas of unsuitability, insufficiency, failure, inadequacy, taint, ugliness, futility, and blemish.

Yet in addition to these ideas, persons who have engaged in more thoughtful reflection on the power of the terms imperfection and flaw, have felt the words flaw and imperfection hold great powers of authenticity, genuineness, legitimacy, openness, softness, forgiveness, and uniqueness. Flaw defends uniqueness and grants character to everything. This is cherished by many who have studied the concepts these words convey. Individual copies of anything or anyone, of the same type or category, deviate or flaw away from absolute identicality with each other.

This allows attention to flaw and imperfection to excel greatest at discerning the reality of anything or anyone, as this defense of uniqueness is based on honoring and prioritizing original copy full natural detail, as being the only standard by which to assess or represent anything or anyone with accuracy and candor.

As testers and deciders of uniqueness, flaw and imperfection have intrinsic powers to absolutely indicate and delineate the impossible from the possible. Absolute conveys our greatest knowledge or opinion that something cannot be done in this universe, in practical reality. It handles the barrier between concept and reality, and the force of it is “absolute” rather than “perfectly” or “debatably.”

If you agree, then you might change your reliable concept for comparison and understanding from the perfect to the imperfect. I did this many years ago. This amounts to newly investing personal expectations in imperfection, to be the concept of choice selected with which to study and point out absolutes, and be truest to identity character. This also involves discontinuing any further continued leaning on fictional impossible concepts, like bogus perfection and the bogusly ideal, as standards for assessing absolutes and truest character of items, expanses, ways, or persons.

2. The Great Alleviator of Severity

If used to defend against emergency reactionary brutality between people, aptitude with and application of flaw sensibilities has the potential to verbally alleviate imperative, ultimate, or overly serious thinking and simplistic choosing. No matter how excellent or grand, flaw is there to allow the impressive case to contain some small sliver of exception from brutal perfection, even in the cases when the sliver of flaw is hardly noticeable to inspection, and even in the differing cases when the sliver of flaw lies in how other copies of the same type or category are allowed by nature and policy to contain defects in total sample size, and even if within acceptable criteria, allow for unique character, as an extra flawy bonus.

3. The Great Wellspring of Softness

Flaw, in beautifully ensuring uniqueness to every among all, between all, does more than just ensure against uniqueness failing, but flaw also imparts extra and bonus features which belong to each item, expanse, person, or place. These extra features of flaw pertaining, at all cases within, of all larger groupings, grant characteristic nuance and subtlety across the finite but jagged and haphazard trillions and trillions of cases of atoms to this universe. Style, character, warmth, subtlety, independence, and deviating traits are spread intrinsically within each person, at each atom in the atomic scale of life.

Intrinsic Material or Personal Flaw Degradation

Obsessing in perfect concept and ideal case thinking has a way of degrading the above mentioned three great beauties to flaw.

Perfective Attempts Decrease the Freedom of Flaw

Application of conceptually and notionally perfect performance or adherence criteria in any pursuit, project, or plan does endanger the people who it would eventually have power over, and can do subtle harm to many persons, and not just the oppressed, but backfiring at their oppressors also.

Bogus “perfection,” in its extreme refusal of any exceptions, is gladly impossible in nature. It would be beyond hard, beyond inflexible, beyond invariant, and tyrannically uniform, far beyond homogeneous.

Yet usage of perfective criteria in modeling life’s ways leaks into our lives from many persons, at the risk of degrading qualities of life, at least to some minor degree. This is because people pass on so-called wisdoms, and use them in their considerations on choices. Often the shortest and most concise several word pairs win out, which oversimplifies and misrepresents the ways of nature and life.

Further, formally planned projects aiming for perfect simplicity and clarity, or aiming for perfect lack of any exceptions, or aiming to perfectly prevent, or undertaken with goals too perfect, high, and ideal, are all laden with tragically brutal aftereffects. These aftereffects on populations or personnel greatly endanger us with worse than death: such as entrenched deficiencies in personal liberty, while living in degraded personal wellness with the catch of no available course for relief, which amounts to “suffering of opportunity freedom” from over-predetermination of one’s future. This is true suffering to endure, and involves a debacle whereby any attempt to obtain relief often worsens the suffering, and is not escapable if planners in business or government have enacted a perfective policy upon members. This is not a suffering of pain and physical discomfort, but reviewing the nature of that differing type of suffering can illustrate the dangers of perfect planning.

Flaw’s Linguistic Nature

Excelling humbly is based in beautiful warm and soft imperfection, which yields and allows always for exceptions, as natural part of all rules. Excellent is thankfully clear of perfect ways.

Our contemporary English language usage of the concepts perfect and imperfect are muddied and convoluted. Flaw and Imperfection are the true surprising heroes, with their conceptual properties and features blessing the reality of nature and this universe with hundreds of scientific behaviors that are the most admirable and essential to our universes existence, furtherance, and overall average always imperfect beauty.

Flaw and Imperfection Definitions are Interchangeable

Flawed means imperfect. Flawy means imperfective. Flaw means imperfection. Flawless means Perfect. These are more than synonymous, and are interchangeable instead.

I choose to prefer the terms based on the concept that employ the “flaw-” syllable, for several reasons related to jettisoning the false implications and associations brought into play by the term imperfection. I only mention imperfection for explanation of the meaning of flaw, and using both to aid the transition along for readers.

The term imperfect has a word structure embedding within it the term perfect, after a prefix, which sadly for all thinkers, does echo with bogus theories that perfection was the standard of greatest merit, and carries with it the false implication that imperfect (falsely) means falling far short of excellent, and also inaccurately suggests that the term imperfect be better (but truly worse) relegated to being used only to indicate the backup deficient state of affairs, left remaining when bogus perfection was supposedly lost.

Scientific Starters at Flaw Natural Law

Limiting the case of study to matter in our universe, all atoms in this universe, which some people incorrectly consider to involve identicality between more than one, to my estimation actually behave as limited absolutely by an impossibility in nature: differ principle violations being judged as impossible, by laws of nature. That impossibility is for any two atoms to be perfectly identical. To natural law and principle, each unique copy flaws away from perfectly identical to all other copies of same series. Each such copy is a flaw in any tyranny of ultimate sheer perfection to the series.

My scientist’s opinion is that slight slivers of differences must exist between same series copies, which would already differ in precise position and exact material contribution to larger groupings in common. These differences I propose exist in full-reality resolution concept of lower-limit smallness-bounded miniscule size and shape nuances, with variations down to just greater slightly than Planck span and granularity limits, and absolutely not in a perfective manner bogusly unboundedly-smaller downward infinitesimally.

For the Scientific Community

I propose for review and potential adoption, while unprovable, a “Differ Principle” to Natural Law in the Sciences.

Differences between items spatially separated, while comparing them at same time (in concept), are absolutely impossible to undo or obliterate, due to the nature of flaw applying and predominating in all of nature, which governs the nonexistence of impossible perfection anywhere in nature. Differences between activity, state, and position of a given particular one item, conceived as changeable in properties and behavior over time, and modeled as two time slices of existence for the same item — present and future, are absolutely impossible to remain unchanged, and are absolutely impossible to automatically self-collect in an organizing manner (but would instead self-collect in a scattered and haphazard manner, by happenstance of haphazard occurrence) due to the nature of entropy infusing all of nature, which governs the indeterminacy and unpredictability of exact-future reality-resolution detailed activity, state, and position.

Closing Comments

The reader has likely faced a deluge of new and somewhat foreign ideas, if having had read most of this article and arriving here near the end. That’s taxing on a reader, and involves tenacity, temerity, and temperance. The reader should just know that he or she has braved quite the strange new experience, and I think that’s something to be respected about what people can handle and do, if only we invested our confidence in the smarts and judgement of people to be better served by leaving it to the audience members, rather than taint the message to readers by trying to water down and dumb down the explorative teaching.

If you prefer to practice some personally empowering mental organizing of what I’ve finished teaching, but keep it fun and not over ambitious, then I recommend merely thinking of the meanings and implications of the three great benefits of flaw:

Flaw’s Beneficial Traits

  • The Great Hidden and Disguised Benefactor
  • The Great Alleviator of Severity
  • The Great Wellspring of Softness

Other Related Articles

At time of writing this, I do plan to soon author another article that will likely answer some awkward to understand leftover wondering, on the dangers of perfection, as a concept and mental tool. In concept that would be an article titled about perfection, and not flaw. It would finalize as much more explorative and delving, into the factors and behaviors that by nature the perfective attitude and the perfect compliance attitude, if used in planning and enacting and/or verifying, do usually and most likely have great risk of burdening individuals and groups to tyrannical effects, at least in the initial minor, but budding, levels of people-crunch.



Patrick L. Cheatham
Nuance Contrast Zen

I haven't immersed much in Television since the year 1979. My stories feature wordage relics from previous to 1990. Awkward decades old usage is the main.