The Beautiful Universal Tao

Patrick L. Cheatham
Nuance Contrast Zen
2 min readJan 7, 2022

Beautiful Freedom of Natural Outcomes has Allowance for the Ugly

This essay is entirely a matter of opinion. Copyright 2022 Talon 38 Personal Media, LLC.

Classic Eastern Art (Stock agency lithograph)

With philosophical Taoism, I personally like to think on its wisdoms while staying clear of spiritual or supernatural connotations. That seems left to the option of each person interested in Taoism.

An issue I discovered in my considerations stems from the Taoist classic philosophy that the Universal Tao is beautiful, despite the ugly obviously existing. What is the “Universal” Tao, maybe? To me it seems to mean the totality of overall ways, actions, activities, and happenings that go on in the entire universe. So, the idea could mean that despite ugly occurrences being in existence here and there in the minority of places and time periods of this universe, the overall is still beautiful.

But in this short essay, I propose that the beauty of the Tao is more subtle, sublime, and clever than just that straightforward analysis above. By this I mean that if one were to consider some universal order that used force to restrict matters to effectively totally prevent ugly occurrences from happening ever, then that would backfire and cast an ugly “overly restrictive lockdown” effect on the entire universe, and that would not truly be beautiful.

Thus, a key part to me, of the beauty of the Tao, is its freedom allowed in the nature of the universe — with its scientific natural law operative — for ugly situations and occurrences to sometimes be even possible to happen.

Freedom for things to go good or bad, in this nature and universe, might be the most beautiful aspect of the Universal Tao.



Patrick L. Cheatham
Nuance Contrast Zen

I haven't immersed much in Television since the year 1979. My stories feature wordage relics from previous to 1990. Awkward decades old usage is the main.