Revolutionizing cardiovascular prevention.

Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2018

Total number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases in the world (2015)

31% of global deaths are due to heart diseases, the equivalent of 17.7 million people in 2015. The best way to counter this trend? A significant increase in prevention actions.

Farasha LABS, an innovative start-up, is constantly innovating to develop solutions in line with this objective.

Cardiovascular diseases — CVDs — are the #1 cause of death in the world. Even if we add up cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes deaths (13.7 million), we do not reach the same impact. The consequences of this trend affect all levels of the society: individuals, as their income and lifestyle diminishes; companies seeing their productivity lessen due to absenteeism; and governments, as health related budget grows in public finances.

With more institutions, such as the World Health Organization, calling for greater preventive action, the spotlight is now on detecting heart pathologies at an early stage thus preventing future treatment. Nevertheless, some barriers persists. On one hand, prompt and easy access to medical services is still limited due to geographical conditions and saturation of the system. On the other, elevated medical costs keep low-to-middle-income patients away from a proper treatment.

Farasha: democratizing cardiovascular prevention

Headquartered in Rennes, France, Farasha Labs has developed a complete and innovative solution to make cardiovascular prevention accessible to everyone. Making full use of today’s’ technology, this start-up conceived two connected devices (a watch and a glove) capable of monitoring heart performance 24/7. Captured data is then shared with the mobile and web app so it can be analyzed by a machine learning interface. The result: a full analysis of your heart condition and a report stating the propensity to develop a cardiovascular disease.

And there is more…

The solution also offers the possibility to consult online a worldwide network of affiliated cardiologists, to share your data with your doctor to get a medical opinion and to access a bank of tailor-made training programs fitting the needs of multiple users.

All services are grounded in the Blockchain technology which guarantees a secured and fast exchange of data. Similarly, the start-up designed a cost-efficient method of payment using Farasha Labs cryptocurrency (FLB coins) in order to reduce intermediary fees. The company has officially launched its Initial Coin Offering — ICO — to raise funds and further finance their development.

Partnerships with pharmacies & drugstores in France and other 7 countries

An initial test of their services will be deployed in France through 1000 associated pharmacies. The main objective is to familiarise potential users with the technology and also to enhance the performance of their prevention service by testing their own algorithms. Once the test is completed, more partnerships with pharmacies and drugstores are expected to be concluded in Europe, The United States and Latin America.


