Introducing Dashboard & Audit Log

Jon Xavier
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2018

Today, we’re announcing Dashboard, a new feature that surfaces fleet issues and insights automatically so you can immediately tackle solutions instead of spending time searching for problems. We’re also pre-announcing a new audit log, which provides a paper trail for actions that admins take in Fleetsmith. Dashboard is available today, while audit log will be coming soon.

What unites today’s announcements is something that has always been a core part of what we’re all about at Fleetsmith — fleetwide visibility. If you can’t see what’s up with your devices, or if gaining visibility takes too long, it’s impossible to address issues before they disrupt your business.

Our goal with both Dashboard and audit log is to make visibility and compliance effortless when you’re managing your fleet. We’re excited to finally unveil them to you!

Dashboard: Automatically identify problems so you can fix them fast

Dashboard surfaces issues and insights automatically, making it easy to gain insight into your fleet, and operationalizing a best practice. It’s included as part of the free Fleetsmith Intelligence product, so you get this at no cost.

Here are just a few of the things Dashboard shows you:

  • Enrollment: There’s no way of knowing if a device is configured securely unless it’s enrolled and visible to Fleetsmith. Dashboard shows you which employees have not yet enrolled, and which devices have stopped checking in, so you can fix blind spots.
  • Disk encryption: Without disk encryption, anyone can copy all data off a device, even if they don’t have the device’s password. Dashboard allows you to see which devices aren’t encrypted at a glance.
  • OS Version: The only way to get all the security patches Apple releases is by running the latest version of the latest major OS release. Dashboard displays fleet-wide metrics for OS version, allowing admins to easily track the rollout of new OS versions across their fleet.
  • Hardware health: Devices can fail at a critical moments due to dead batteries or full hard drives. Dashboard allows admins to identify these problems before they interrupt your employees.

We designed Dashboard to be even more powerful when combined with Fleetsmith Managed. When an issue pops up on a Fleetsmith Managed device, admins can now fix it in a single click without ever leaving Dashboard.

Is a problem occurring on a device that hasn’t been upgraded to Fleetsmith Managed yet? No sweat. That’s still just one click, too. Remediation has never been faster or easier.

Audit log: Accountability for the work you do in Fleetsmith

With Dashboard, admins have unprecedented visibility into the current state of their devices. But what if you need to see how they got that way? That’s where the new audit log comes in.

With audit log, IT and security teams will be able to easily confirm which administrator performed important in-product actions, such as user management and the deployment of apps and settings. This improves accountability and makes both internal and external audits simple — a win for companies such as banks, security firms, and healthcare providers that undergo frequent inspection to comply with rigorous security standards.

Audit log will record:

  • Actions taken and a description of what was performed
  • Who made a change (username of the administrator taking an action in Fleetsmith)
  • When the action happened (timestamp)

As usual, we’d love to hear your thoughts on Dashboard and the audit log once you’ve had a chance to try them out. We’re always looking for things to make our product even more awesome, and we take user feedback very seriously in putting together our roadmap. Drop us a line and let us know what you think.

Sign up for Fleetsmith for free.

Originally published at on November 1, 2018.



Jon Xavier

Former tech journalist, now tech company marketer. Keeping it tight in a world full of looseness. Member DSA SF.