Introducing the Fleetsmith Partner Program

Jon Xavier
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2019

By Dave Vega

Before I joined Fleetsmith, I had a long career in IT, both in in-house roles and as an outside consultant. I wouldn’t say that consulting was harder, but it definitely came with some extra challenges. I had to do all the same maintenance, security, and compliance work that filled most of my time as an internal admin, but I had to do it for several clients at once, each with different needs, technical competencies, and device environments. That isn’t even getting into relationship management and customer service, which was a whole other workload on top of the normal IT stuff that I couldn’t let drop, even when I was heads down on a problem.

As a result, I found that time management was often as important as technical expertise. Anything that freed up time and brainpower felt like a life-preserver, because it gave me more control over my success. It meant more capacity in those moments when things were on fire and I needed a fix for a client now, and it meant more time to build my business when things were quiet. I learned that being an outside IT consultant without good tools is like walking a tightrope without a net — doable, but there’s no margin of error. When you fall, you fall hard.

That’s part of why I ended up at Fleetsmith. I love the way it can automate manual tasks like device deployment and patching, and how it proactively surfaces device issues to make visibility and triage effortless. I just knew this would be a game changer for managed service providers and other outsourced IT consultants.

That’s why I’m so excited to announce a new partnership program aimed at making it easier than ever for MSPs to use Fleetsmith to manage their clients’ devices.

The Fleetsmith Partner Program is open to all MSPs and IT consultants who need to manage a fleet of Macs, iPhones, iPads or Apple TVs. As an official Fleetsmith Partner, you’ll get access to special partner pricing, free training, and our world-class support.

Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up to be a Fleetsmith Partner by filling out our interest form or reaching out to me directly at
  • Once you’re accepted, you’ll be able to onboard your clients immediately and take advantage of our special partner discount. We can even offer your team extra benefits and incentives for using Fleetsmith to help with adoption.
  • You’ll get a dedicated Fleetsmith employee (me) to answer your questions and help you achieve success with Fleetsmith.
  • We’ll give you a free training session on how to use Fleetsmith and how to explain its benefits to your clients. Fleetsmith is so easy to use and understand that we can cover everything in a single 60 minute session.

Check out our partners page for all the details and how to sign up. And if you have any questions, I’m here to help! Reach me directly at

Originally published at on February 19, 2019.



Jon Xavier

Former tech journalist, now tech company marketer. Keeping it tight in a world full of looseness. Member DSA SF.