FLETA in DELTA Summit ③ — How was FLETA? part. 1

Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2019

Malta is a splendid island with beautiful scenery and beach. Team FLETA arrived in Malta on 29th September and soon realized how wonderful Malta is.

After having a good night sleep, TEAM FLETA participated in many events to understand global trend of blockchain industry and show FLETA’s presence before DELTA Summit.

On the next day, 30th September, we went to ‘The Villa’ near Balluta Bay where the Pre-Summit Networking Event hosted by DELTA Summit and OKEX was held. The night was full of passion and many figures of the blockchain industry, such as Dr. Abdalla Kablan, Executive Chairman of DELTA Summit, participated and enjoyed the event. Especially, James Song, Head of Global Strategy at FLETA, had an interview with the media. He showed his opinion about joining DELTA Summit in Malta.

FLETA’s Head of Global Strategy, James Song, is having an interview sharing his opinion about joining DELTA Summit in Malta at Pre-Summit Networking Event

On the next day, 1st October, Team FLETA visited to Chiliz Blockchain Campus. Many blockchain companies like OKEX moved to ‘Blockchain Island’ Malta and Chiliz Blockchain Campus is one of the places that offers a space for them.

Chiliz Blockchain Campus in Malta

DELTA Summit and The Chiliz Blockchain Campus teamed up for the Blockchain Business Breakfast event held in Chiliz Blockchain Campus in collaboration with OKCoin and OKEX.

The event included a networking event with a breakfast of a diverse menu. After having breakfast and small talk, speeches of blockchain industry figures such as Dr. Abdalla Kablan followed. Also, Jim Nguyen, VP of Marketing at OKCoin gave a presentation about OKcoin project. Lastly, there was a panel discussion about the blockchain industry’s future which aroused the audience’s full attention. We could see the enthusiasm of the industry and the passion of the people toward blockchain technology. Many people believed in the potential of blockchain and its future and so we did.

Dr. Abdalla Kablan, Executive Chairman of DELTA Summit, having a speech at Chiliz Blockchain Campus

On 2nd October, Team FLETA went to MFCC — Malta Fairs & Conventions Centre to see our booth in DELTA Summit. We checked how much the booth was completed with members of DELTA Summit so that we can operate the booth for the next two days smoothly. We set the plans for the next two days that can show FLETA’s distinctive features to the participants. In this process, DELTA Summit supported us as much as they can. We could see that DELTA Summit put a lot of effort into the success of the event.

FLETA’s booth at DLETA Summit

After that, TEAM FLETA went to DELTA Summit Pre-Registration Drinks and enjoyed the party with free drinks. It was a venue for the participants to warm up for the event and communicate each other.

DELTA Summit Pre-Registration Drinks

TEAM FLETA was ready for the booth operation for 2 days!

Please wait for our next article to see what FLETA did during DELTA Summit event!



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