Why Do We Need DApps?

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3 min readNov 12, 2020

With the entry on Blockchain technology, many users have found the recent development of the technology and use of decentralized applications, commonly known as DApps.

However, for the average user, the difference between centralized and decentralized applications can go unnoticed. Its visible characteristics are notable at the developer level even though they have motivated thousands of DApss today, ranging from gaming to finance.

As many people do not recognize they are actually using DApps, they may think that DApps are unnecessary. However, if you want a high level of security and control of your applications, DApps can help you a lot.

Average users will experience having ownership of their personal information when using DApps. Many companies use and sell your data stored on their servers without users’ consent, in addition to the security breaches. There is no doubt that this point is critical when selecting between an APP or a DApp.

When you are using a financial application, under normal conditions, the database depends on servers located in the company in question or in a third-party provider’s cloud. It may result in the exposure of data if the servers are vulnerable enough.

On the other hand, with the use of DApps, the chances of data or identity theft decrease, as long as the user uses the protocols properly.

Trust and Decentralization

Trust is earned and priceless. Given that DApps use open source, it is easy to inspect the code lines at any time by any person or entity, making applications transparent and auditable by third parties, which eventually avoid identity theft or monetary.

Undoubtedly, this feature of the blockchain allows users to control what they are interacting with. But, since many of the users are ordinary people without programming knowledge, security companies like Certik are in charge of making the job easier and more transparent, allowing you to add that extra layer of security to DApps.

On the other hand, the decentralized feature of DApps allows them to be independent of centralized servers or networks, generating typical problems such as censorship or inactivity due to single central point failures.

As they depend on various nodes that support the Blockchain network on which the particular application runs, the multiple problems to which traditional applications are exposed are no longer a headache for DApps.

As blockchain is a new technology, there are similarities to the nineties’ Internet era; users need more time to get accustomed to it. There is no doubt that we will see a significant advance in the DApp development, use, and management of DApps among the millions of Blockchain technology enthusiasts in the coming years.



FLETA is a blockchain platform that aims to offer infrastructure that can be applied to real-world business models. FLETA has its own core blockchain technologies like Level Tree Validation, Parallel Sharding, Independent multi-chain Structure, Block Redesign, and PoF(Proof-of-Formulation) which is its own consensus algorithm. With them, it aims to solve problems that existing platforms have such as slow speeds, scalability limitation, and excessive fees and provide a flexible development environment. Moreover, through its Gateway technology, it enhanced its interoperability by allowing projects issuing their tokens through other mainnets to maintain their mainnets while using FLETA chain.

Sendsquare, a foundation that developed FLETA project, was selected as one of the blockchain PoC support projects by the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) of the South Korean Government since 2019 and has developed the blockchain-based on-chain clinical data management system (eCRF System) and RWD basic clinical research analysis report platform using blockchain technology.


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