6 Not-So-Common Tips To Juggling Your 9–5 Job With Running Your Side Business

Smiling Warrior
flex finance
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2020

Are you currently stressed juggling your day job and side business concurrently?

If so,

With 6 tips this article explains how to eliminate stress and do both with ease.

  1. Be grateful for your day job and don't feel guilty for running a side business: there is no shame in wanting to earn more money, and you only need balance this pursuit with gratitude for your day job. They both play a major role in your life and when you set your heart right on them, it becomes a good start to knowing how to prioritize for each.
  2. Use digital tools for your business to save time: I’m sure you must have heard a lot of advice on time management, and how crucial a role it plays in succeeding at both your work and business. That's what tech tools will do for you….technology is all about saving time. And they are several mobile applications you can download today to help your business stay organized, automate tasks, and manage expenses, For example, we at Flex Finance built a simple mobile app that helps business owners track and manage their expenses from their mobile phone.
  3. Practice Deep breathing: I know you might be thinking, what does breathing have to do with this? well, I will like for to realize there is a “you” in this discussion, and if your mental health is under stress no matter the tips you receive…. it's not going to work. Exercising is good but have you heard of deep breathing? According to a study published by Harvard Medical School, deep breathing is one of the techniques that can quell our bodies’ stress. Normalize practicing deep breathing, especially when you feel the strain of stress from the juggling. You will enjoy almost instant relief.
  4. Self Development: Optimize for success on both fronts by allotting time to acquiring knowledge in areas of your weakness. There are several online sources such as Udemy, Coursera, Edx, where great knowledge can be acquired, some are even free. You can start by setting out 1 hour every day (30 mins each) to learn a skill that will make you better at both.
  5. Be One Step Ahead Of A Bad Day: Make a promise to yourself ahead of a troublesome day(because they surely come), that your ‘tomorrow will be better’(because troubles eventually fade). Pull out a piece of paper right now and write out your promise and stick it somewhere you can easily see it.
  6. Say A Positive Affirmation Everyday: “I am smart, I am blessed, I can do anything!”, this is the favourite affirmation of a very adorable 3-year-old kid called Ayaan Diop, who became famous last year for his daily affirmation.

Saying a positive affirmation on a daily basis is a great tool for reprogramming your unconscious mind from negative thinking to positive thinking. And positivity is a breeding ground for success.

Watch the cutie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7oIDZYggso

Hope tips help, we wish you a stress-free life as you balance juggling your job with your side business.



Smiling Warrior
flex finance

B2B Marketer, Bitcoin enthusiast, and Self-proclaimed Navy Seal – because why not have a little fun while conquering the business world?