Introducing the Flexa Transparency Report

Presenting our new annual publication to provide information on the requests we receive from governments around the world.

2 min readMay 10, 2024


As we gear up to launch the new Flexa SDK, we want to take a moment to reiterate Flexa’s firm commitment to regulatory partnership and protecting customer data privacy. In line with this commitment, today we’re introducing the Flexa Transparency Report, an annual summary of requests and responses to government inquiries received by Flexa.

Like many companies involved in the digital asset ecosystem, Flexa believes that regulatory clarity is critical to the growth and adoption of digital assets worldwide. It’s why we work so closely with representatives at the federal, state, and local levels — because we believe that the only way to advocate for the interests of digital asset holders is to make sure they have a voice at the table.

From time to time, we also receive requests for information from various government entities. For example, we have previously been subpoenaed by the Securities & Exchange Commission in relation to SEC v. Wahi, and more recently by the New York State Attorney General’s office about our business operations and digital asset activities. In some cases, these requests may be seeking customer data. While we are obligated to respond to each request, we are also committed to protecting the privacy of our customers’ data to the greatest extent legally possible. Before responding to any such information request, we closely evaluate the request’s legality and underlying justification, and always seek to narrow or reject requests if we believe them to be overly broad or legally insufficient.

In anticipation of further information requests as our company grows, and out of a strong desire to provide as much clarity as we can about the contents of these requests and our responses to them, we will be publishing the Flexa Transparency Report on an annual basis going forward. To the extent that we are able to disclose such information, this report includes a summary of all law enforcement and government agency requests we have received, our responses to those requests, and any related context surrounding the requests.

Please find the 2023 Flexa Transparency Report and more details of the information requests we have received at

We hope that by sharing this information publicly going forward, we can hold ourselves and the broader industry accountable to clarity and forthrightness in our ongoing conversations with regulators and other government entities. We also hope that this Transparency Report will lay an important foundation for the products and services we are continuing to build and ship, and that through this framework, we can be even more communicative going forward about our work to help sellers thrive in the next era of commerce.

