#forloopKano: Building for Local Markets

Hassan Sani
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2017

My trip from Abuja to Kano, let’s just say for every Front-end there is a Back-end and this article is not about the Back-End.

Now this is what we call a good Front-End, these smiles don’t need framework. Pic Credit: forloopKano

Saturday 21st October 2017 had so many amazing Tech Events, I couldn’t decide which to attend so I wrote a little javascript code to help me decide and it wasn’t AI. Here are the screenshots of my code and the result.

The Code
The result. I’m guessing this is not a bug

Let’s all pretend as if that didn’t happen! Thank You.

Kano, I’ve been here before and it was cool, my last visit didn’t have anything to do with an array, even though anything women always produce array of object this on the other hand was practically an array that uses the for loop.

In case you are still wondering how I chose Kano over the rest. This tweet by Ahmad Abdul Aziz was the judge.

Now let’s open the pages here, I arrived Kano late but remember this is not about the back-end. But

I missed this

Topic: Building Software to Meet User Needs.

And I missed this too

Topic: Reclaiming Control of learning a short cheat sheet

Now you know how movie script always favor the good guys, okay when we stepped in, already the event was about to Build, Deploy and Automate. The then speaker had on his screen a quote by Vincent Partington and it reads

“In fact anybody building serious software without automating their builds, their tests and without using continuous integration is not considered to be a professional,”

Right there I saw myself dropping my bag, rolling up my sleeve and jumping on this guy with some continuous integration punches on his face asking why he called me unprofessional then I raised my head and I noticed I was still standing in my position and he was still standing in his, talking about using git and Heroku.

Let get out of this imagination world for now what is this guy saying.

Pic Credit: forLoopKano

Okay I get the message, to build for the Local Markets, which is what brought us here in the first place, automation should be paramount for speed and stability and before I could take my seat this guy has build and deployed a nodejs app to Heroku, Now that’s a professional.

Okay, these guys are not local, they are only building for the local markets.” That’s clear now.

Qualities of a good app: easy to access, quick to load and a good user engagement. This next speaker is not a web app I think, but he acts like one.

User Engagement: Implementing a good User Experience (UX) sometimes takes lots of research; where will the user click first, what color should attract the user and how hard should the user clap for a job well-done.

The Godfather: He made us an offer we couldn’t refuse

I have no idea how he does it, this guy by just mere stepping out had already implemented the Perfect UX practice on us as we were all on our feet clapping so hard for a Job well-done, which he hasn’t even started.

According to statistic and this guy, we are not patient, we want a page to load before completing the address, as impossible as this may feel the Guys at Google have something close to that solution and they called it AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

I am still doubting if this guy is not a web app.

My little app that was suppose to help me decide said “It doesn’t do magic!” but this guy does magic although we don’t necessarily need that sign to start implementing AMP but I am curious, I have bribed every road block in my computer yet I still had to copy the sign. Please allow me to use more of it ⚡⚡

Now this was coming to it end, it was time for questions and answers luckily for me someone asked for a recap of the two first speakers.

And oh yes we meet again, she didn’t have to talk much just mentioning her topic already made me felt like I missed a whole semester, that her slides contains some links to USSD and a PouchDB that syncs offline. There is what we call a local market tool. I was like give me the slides and your twitter handle, no phone number please it too expensive to call.

As if the recap was too much already, the other recap speaker sat in his seat like the Boss he is and gave only five lines from his talk and those five lines were worth five years session of any course in any university. They were: What are you learning? Where are you learning? How are you learning? Why are you learning it? and Are you sharing what you are learning?

Yeah sorry if I over hyped it but that was how I felt.

If you want the bigger picture or maybe you feel I over/under rated click here and see for yourself, while this could be happening around you just visit www.techmeetup.ng

Yeah, as this was going on here is a little about others that we missed. click the links below:

  1. Facebook DevCircle: React Summit 2017
  2. Minne Tech Meet Up 2.0
  3. forLoop Yenagoa
  4. Ingressive Abuja



Hassan Sani

Husband, (We have twins). JavaScript Developer, member of Node.Js Foundation, Co Chair of Node.js Africa.