Spooky tricks with Flic

Joacim Westlund
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2017

Scare your guests with Flic this Halloween! Here are some sneaky tricks you can try.

Flashing electricity

Press Flic discretely to suddenly kill all the lights in the room. If you’re all at the dinner table and no one has their phone out then your friends will think the power is out. Press again after a while to turn the lights on. Make sure you act surprised!

If you have music running, add a play/pause trigger to a Flic press as well, to make the effect stronger.

Pro tip 1: Some smart lights (especially LIFX) are quick in flashing. To make creepy lightning flashes, add a short stroboscope effect to a double click of your Flic button!

Pro tip 2: If you’re running Android, you can delay an action after a click of Flic. Here is a spooky sequence idea: Click to turn the lights off and kill the music. Act as you have no idea what happened. 30 seconds later, have your lights flash, and a thunder sound play. Repeat a few times, then — in total darkness — play the intro to Black Sabbath (by Black Sabbath) loud and make your lights flash in dim red. Now, the Halloween party can start!

Monstrous music

Flic is great to take control of the music without your guests understanding how. If you want to scare people, interrupt the dinner music with something unexpected.

For dark rock, try these:

For electronic music, try these:

Sudden TV horror

Youtube is filled with creepy videos. Run Flic with Chromecast to suddenly turn something unsettling on to your living room TV. Perhaps the classic Salad Fingers?

This one is a real scare to surprise someone with if you turn the volume up — not for the faint of heart:

Creepy text messages

Imagine having dinner with your spouse. At the same time, you get a text message from him or her:
“I was captured by a doppelganger who is impersonating me. I got free, on my way home. If you think you’re with me, it’s not me!! Ask about our honeymoon.”

Set it up with Flic and press to send the text when you see that your partner is watching his or her cellphone. Set a second similar text on double click. Act as if you don’t remember your history together. If you have an Android, why not set up your phone to call your partner when things heat up. As he or she picks up, maybe it’s time to show how you did the prank!

Bonus prank:

Put your phone under a cushion and use Flic’s random fart generator to make your guests blush! Just like the classic fart cushion, but digital!

Joacim and the Flic Team

Originally published at Flic Smart Button.

