Film|Early Cinema

Italian Neorealism

Luchino Vistonti, Roberto Rossellini and Vittorio De Sica

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Flicks TV Hound
Published in
6 min readMar 23, 2023


Film|Early Cinema
· Luchino Visconti
· Roberto Rossellini
· Watch Martin Scorsese discuss the Films of Roberto Rossellini.
· Vittorio De Sica

Italian Neorealism is my favorite period of Cinema History. I think it’s because I can watch many of the films in Italian and my students can read the subtitles. It’s a win-win for everyone. I practice my ear for spoken Italian. They learn how Italian filmmakers played a pivotal role in early cinema, revolutionizing and innovating the international film scene.

After the overthrow of the National Fascist Party leader Benito Mussolini, Italian cinema exploded, freeing Italian directors from Fascist censorship. Following its early period of propaganda films and experimental silent films, a new genre of Italian Neorealism emerged, creating some of the most commanding and influential films ever made.

Neorealism (neorealismo) is a film style characterized by stories about the complex social and moral conditions of Post World War II Italy and set on location amongst the poor and working-class using nonprofessional actors to show the poverty and…



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Flicks TV Hound

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.