Blizzard Confused about it’s own Cloud Gaming Policy

Josh Brackin


Blizzard’s recent update to their EULA strictly forbids Gamers from playing Blizzard titles through Cloud Gaming Services. However when a member of our Community contacted them for clarification, they were given a very different answer.


A member of our Community named Jonathan took our advice and contacted Blizzard to request an exception to their new Cloud Gaming policy. He reached out to them through email and expressed that these changes would have a negative impact on him.

“Hi, I just wanted to write about the recent chances to the EULA. With specifics cloud gaming. I am a new dad with a 5 month old baby. My gaming time is very limited normally after the little one goes to bed for an hour at most. Something I cannot get to my main pc to play with max settings. And my little laptop runs graphics at level one especially for the new content. So I have been using cloud gaming on my little laptop in bed. Marvelous. The provider I use is Paperspace/Parsec and it plays WOW wonderfully. Here we go for BFA! Oh wait. No I can’t. Blizzard “may” suspend or ban my account. My day one of wow account. Is there anyway you can flag my account so that I can use by cloud pc? I’d rather play BFA at 1080p 60fps on high settings not 720p 25fps on lowest settings. And for a good amount of time not 20 minutes every few days on my gaming pc (only drawback of being a dad, until I can get her farming red snapper to sell on the auction house. I hope you can understand my issue with the recent EULA. Pretty please “ -Jonathan

As a parent, I completely understand where Jonathan is coming from. It’s hard to lock ourselves away in front of a PC to play Games. We adapt, and Cloud Gaming gives many of us a great way to play when the moment is right.

An Unexpected Response

Jonathan fully expected Blizzard to reiterate their new policy and advise him to refrain from using Cloud Services with their Games. Instead, he received a very different answer.

“My Name is Stefan aka Gamemaster Nirgiturat and i’m here to adress your issue with the gaming ! No worries as a father of two [most of the time lovely] Kids i totally understand your situation :-) And good news, you DONT need to be worries at all. You can play with your Account from any PC you want. It might happen, if you login from an “unknown” PC that the System finds that is suspicious, but no worries, all you need to to is perform a pw reset in that case and you are good to go :-) Have fun playing and more fun with the little ones ! If there’s anything else i can help you with don’t hesitate to contact us again! If your problem was resolved it would be nice if you can close the issue in the accountmanagementpage so that i know everything is fine :-) Best Regards from Paris Stefan Blizzard Entertainment Europe”

Conflicting Information

We now know that Blizzard’s advice to Jonathan is completely incorrect. Blizzard began handing out 30-day bans to Cloud Gamers this week. Users have already reported that they were banned for using Paperspace and LiquidSky. 30 days may not seem like a big deal at first glance, but it can be a big deal for Blizzard’s fans.

Right now getting banned for 30 days means that you miss out on the launch of Blizzard’s next Warcraft expansion. It could also disrupt that epic ladder climb that you’re working through in Hearthstone. As a Gamer, these consequences can be very disappointing.

The bottom line here is that Blizzard is enforcing their EULA, and you are at risk if you choose to play a Blizzard Game through a Cloud Gaming Service. It would be nice for Blizzard to get their employees on the same page. Advice like Jonathan was given could be very costly for fans of Blizzard titles.

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.