Simplay is Shutting Down their Cloud Gaming Service

Josh Brackin


Good things have a tendency to end, and in Simplay’s case it’s happening soon. They’ve realized that they aren’t going to have the resources to expand their Cloud Gaming service as they had hoped. For them, it’s time to pivot in a new direction.

Shutting Down

Simplay realizes that fast growth is essential to a Cloud Gaming service. You can’t expect everything to fall into your lap. There is a lot of demand for an unlimited Cloud Gaming service like Simplay. However, it became apparent that they were not going to have the resources to expand the way that they needed to.

“The truth is that Simplay wasn’t growing fast enough. It wasn’t for lack of trying, or lack of demand-but due to difficulties to scale up our operation. The heavy cost of GPU servers made it difficult for us to bear the expenses of expanding our infrastructure to serve more users.” -Simplay CEO Gil Tov-ly

They didn’t want to slowly watch their business die. Instead, they decided to use this opportunity to pivot in a new direction.

A Different Angle

Simplay is shutting down their direct-to-user service, but they aren’t completely closing down. Instead they are transitioning to a direct-to-business model.

Cloud Gaming is still the future, and many larger companies (like Microsoft, Nvidia, and Sony) are already preparing to transition. This isn’t a problem when you have the resources that these companies do. It is a significant challenge for smaller companies and startups. That’s where Simplay sees an opportunity to help.

They plan to offer their services to these smaller organizations to enable them to power their products in the Cloud. Simplay is still confident in their core technology, and they think that they can help smaller companies to continue growing.

Shutting down End-User services

Although it’s nice to see them landing on their feet, it’s still a sad day for those in the Community that enjoyed Simplay’s direct-to-user model. Simplay plans to continue their existing service until September 2018. At that point they will be shutting it down.

They are encouraging their existing Community to transition to Shadow. And they are working on getting their users a discount on Shadow’s unlimited service.

“We’re in talks with Shadow to secure a good deal for community members who want to keep using a virtual-PC service (we think they’re the best solution in the market so we can honestly give a warm recommendation).” -Alar via Discord

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.