Snoost closes their Alpha for further development

Josh Brackin


At Flickstiq, we’ve had a lot of good things to say about Cloud Gaming provider, Snoost. We like the power of their hardware, and we love their inexpensive unlimited pricing. So it’s with mixed feelings that we share the news that they have taken down their service.

A Farewell to the Alpha

On 03/25/18, Snoost abruptly shut down their Cloud Gaming servers. They announced on their website that they have decided to end their Alpha version of Snoost so that they can focus on what’s to come.

“To push Snoost forward to the next level in the best and fastest possible way, we’ve decided to gather all resources focusing 100% on this journey. For this reason, our service will not be available in the meantime.” — Snoost Blog

Their message was short and sweet. It also leaves many questions unanswered. They haven’t explained how billing will be handled moving forward. It’s fair to assume that all subscription billing will be halted, but they haven’t stated that implicitly. They also haven’t provided any time frame for when the service might be available again.

It’s all about the Future

Although we are sad to see Snoost go, we are also excited about the reason for their leaving. They were very clear in their announcement that the reason for ending their Alpha is to move Snoost forward.

If you are an active of former Snoost Gamer, be sure to keep an eye on your email. Snoost promises to update you as soon as they have any news about the next version of Snoost. You can also visit and sign up to be notified about what comes next.

So what do you think? Are you excited about Snoost taking things to the next level? Are you upset that they took down the service abruptly? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.