Steam Link App may still be coming to iOS after all

Josh Brackin
3 min readJun 15, 2018


The story continues! It looked like it might be over after Apple denied Valve’s request to have the Steam Link App added to the App Store. However, changes to Apple’s App Store Policies might make it happen after all.

The Story so far

As we reported recently, Valve is bringing their Steam Link technology to mobile devices. Their Steam Link App allows Gamers to stream Games from their Steam Library to a Mobile Device or TV system. It’s already available on Android. Valve also hoped to bring their App to iOS, but was denied after their request was reviewed by Apple.

Apple claimed that the Steam Link App didn’t meet their guidelines, and denied it’s inclusion because of business conflicts. It appeared that Valve would have to make some significant changes in order to bring their service to iOS. Nobody had any idea if they would make these changes.

Apple makes some changes

Shortly after this story became public, Apple hosted their annual WWDC conference for developers. During the conference, Apple unveiled some changes to their App Store policies. One interesting change relates to how “mirroring” Apps are treated. Apple now allows mirroring Apps in the App Store as long as purchases can’t be made through the App itself. The UI also needs to make it clear that the purchase isn’t being made through Apple.

“The UI appearing on the client does not resemble an iOS or App Store view, does not provide store-like interface, or include the ability to browse, select, or purchase software not already owned or licensed by the user.” -Apple Guidelines 4.2.7 Section C

These new guidelines create the possibility for Valve to bring their Steam Link App to iOS after all. The Steam Link App falls into the category of a mirroring App. So the mirroring function is allowed, users just can’t make purchases through the Steam Link App itself.

This may be happening!

Recently, TouchArcade reported that Valve just pushed a new version of the Steam Link App to testers. This latest version removes the ability to purchase any content in the Steam Link App itself. You can still browse the Steam Store, but the button to make purchases is missing. Instead, you’ll find a message that prompts you to complete your purchase on your PC.

Credit TouchArcade

TouchArcade also noticed that you are able to make purchases in the Steam Marketplace using funds from your Steam Wallet. You can’t however add more funds to your Steam Wallet from within the Steam Link App.

What Now?

So it seems that Valve is prepared to submit a new version of the Steam Link App for Apple’s consideration. It’ll be up to Apple at that point to decide whether these changes are enough to allow inclusion in the App Store.

Keep an eye on Flickstiq! We will let everyone know when more information surfaces in this back-and-forth story.

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.