How do we aim to help content creators?

3 min readFeb 20, 2022


Auri Bern

Who are we?

We are a media incubator project that resides on the Cardano network. We intend to utilise Cardano’s Proof of Stake mechanism and ISPO model that will allow us to fund community-driven projects. This project was born out of the desire to empower underrepresented content creators, from all corners of the Earth.

This approach to media financing will help to bring an array of diverse stories to the forefront. Our mission puts human experience and storytelling at the forefront. This in turn will help to build an eco-system that doesn’t compromise ownership and authenticity for solely revenue and profits.

Diversity of Inclusion

For many years the diversity within the media industry has been under scrutiny. When referring to the media we need to remember that this term encompasses everything from journalism to film. Studies show that disparities regarding diversity within the industry are still prevalent up to this day.

For example, in the television news workforce, statistics from 1995 conveyed some staggering results. Facts show us that caucasian males dominated the majority of major news platforms. With 82.9 % of Caucasian males holding positions within the industry and only 17.1% being of minority backgrounds, this conveys the media's lack of diversity.

As time has progressed, even though these statistics have improved slightly, there has been no significant changes. Research shows us that in the year 2020 these statistics fell from 82.9% of caucasian males to 73.4% and an increase in minority representation to 26.6%.

With a majority ethnicity holding positions within these major news industries we can conclude that news that is disseminated may contain biased opinions and narratives. This in itself could prove detrimental for those who indulge in the news.

This is where we intervene. With these insights, it is clear that some sort of change needs to occur. We aim to diminish these differences by enabling those from minority backgrounds to have a voice. With concerns that the media industry misses out on relevant stories and perspectives, we aim to bring these alternative perspectives to fruition.

Through Cardano’s ISPO funding model community members will be able to place votes on media that they believe suitable for dissemination. This way of financing not only tackles the issue of diversity and bias narratives but also eliminates the main hurdle of financing that prevents most content creators from realising their potential.

Stake pool initiative

Due to the introduction of Cardano’s stake pool model investors are flocking to delegate their funds to pools they find enticing. This model gives these investors the chance to be a part of projects they believe in whilst being rewarded with passive income.

Recently we re-launched our ISPO model. This means that investors to our stake pool will receive additional passive income in the form of $FLICK tokens. We believe that those who share our vision of a more diverse and inclusive media should be rewarded for their participation. For this reason alone we ensured that we raised our token distribution from 0.15 $FLICK to 0.33 $FLICK.

As our community continues to grow and thrive our mission to drive diversity and inclusion within the industry becomes even more powerful.

Start your staking journey here!




Opening up the belief of what is possible. Unapologetically me.