House H(a)unting

Dream Prompt #6

Ava W. Burton
Flight of Fancy
4 min readJun 2, 2021


Photo by Ilnur Kalimullin on Unsplash

As they pulled up to the house, they were in awe: despite its run down appearance, Lock Hall still commanded respect.

The manor seemed perfect for their plan: live somewhere else in the generous property and turn Lock Hall into events central.

The real estate agent greeted them with a joke about the attic having been checked (being named Ed and Jane, the “Jane Eyre” joke did not take them by surprise, as it was a common occurence).

As they started the tour, the real estate agent quickly realised Ed needed more convincing than Jane so she focused her selling energy on him, leaving Jane free to wonder.

Jane was looking for the feature that had sold the house to her: a large, spiral, ornate wooden staircase, crowned by a large glass skylight.

She quickly found it, after going through a large arched door. The light was hitting the black and white tiled flooring at an angle, and you could see dust particles floating in a beam of blue sunlight, courtesy of the stained-glass skylight.

Jane went to stood directly between the light, feeling the warm sun in her fingers. She looked up and slowly started to take in the staircase, were wooden people, children, flowers and trees had been carved with realistic detail. Some people might have found it creepy or unsettling, but Jane only saw beauty in it. She felt a shiver go through her spine — not fear but excitement was taking a hold of her, and of all the plans she could see herself making in this place.

On the first floor of the staircase, there was a beautifully carved female hand, which seemed even more realistic than all the other elements. Then, it moved. Jane called out for Ed and the real estate agent and was surprised to see them come in from the room in front of her — not above her…

Jane decided her eyes must have been playing tricks on her, and never mentioned to Ed what she saw. They bought the house and shortly after they moved in, Jane saw the hand again. And she continued to see her for years, the owner of the hand never making herself known. Over time, Jane realised she only saw the hand when something good was happening — buying the house, restoring it, their first highly successful event.

If there was a ghost in this house, it was one of fortune. And if she played a hand in theirs, so be it.

If you are intrigued by what you just read, please make sure to read up on the why.

The actual dream

I dreamt about painting the ceiling of a big, large room white. We were using far-reaching tools because the ceilings were very high. There was a sense of it being a bright, airy space. I was in good spirits. The paint going on the ceiling was also on the walls and it was a very bright white — not to the point of being uncomfortable, by the contrary, it was the kind of white that inspires feelings of calm and piece.

What do I think it means?

Whenever I dream about cleaning, organizing or painting spaces, I think it means I am trying to tidy up the inside of my head. And since that is not as easy to do as grabbing a brush, I end up dreaming about activities that in a way mirror that need for organization.

What does the Internet think it means?

According to Dreams`opedia, dreaming about painting a ceiling may have several meanings, such as being anxious about an existing issue, or expressing optimism and social altruism. This dream can occur for those experiencing a reawakening.

However, dreaming about painting, and specifically painting a ceiling, may also be a sign of some misleading things taking place around me.

As far as the fact that I dreamt I was painting the ceiling white, Check My Dream seems to see it as a positive, depending how saturated the white was. It might be connected to a sort of spiritual elevation, which ties in with the reawakening.

Makes sense… A lot has changed in my life in the past couple of years, and I anticipate further changes in the near future, so I am cool with whatever spiritual and emotional growth comes with them.

Well, that is all for this week’s dream journal prompt, see you on the next Weaving Wednesday!



Ava W. Burton
Flight of Fancy

Writer. (Amateur) Photographer. Mindful walking enthusiast.