Use A Yoke,Pedals,And/Or Joystick

Michael Saul
Published in
7 min readOct 22, 2019

#FSX #Aviation #Aircraft #Airplanes

This is for those who play Microsoft Flight Simulator Games.

These pieces of Equipment are very helpful in making your flights,flying,and game plays better. The items worked for me as I began using them. And yes,I still as a matter of fact use them today.

First and Foremost, You,yourself will feel a lot better about your Flights,Flying,and game plays. A Yoke,Pedals,including a Joystick are available for Microsoft Flight Simulator Games,Including Microsoft Flight Simulator X. All you need to do is,Find some,Try some, pay for them,take them home,and use them for your flights/game plays. What business I have writing this piece is for the following reasons. There are aircraft/airplane lovers out there. Many of which love to play Microsoft Flight Simulator Games,Including FSX.Many of which are looking to see what good the following does with their game-plays. yokes,pedals,and joysticks. Furthermore,at the very/bare minimums, you only need a yoke and pedals,and/or a joystick in order to fly better. Other Instruments,such as radio,switch,multi panels,trim control wheels,etc, can and may in fact,come later for your Flight Simulator/Simulation Game plays.

It it has been well over 1 decade,(TEN YEARS) since I have been playing Microsoft Flight Simulator games. During my integration period into playing the game,I used to just use the Mice and Keyboards. I just did not like it. However,I got used to it after 1 solid week worth of playing. However,That would change within just a couple years since I had begun playing. When I found some solutions to better game plays,It just so happens that I was at a place where the United States Air Force Auxiliary,Typically convenes. This place was a Hangar at an Airport. The Hangar has a Flight Simulator game set up,and it happened to be Microsoft Flight Simulator X. My Favorite. However,I played other Flight Simulator Games for a while to see what other people’s Beliefs,Facts,Opinions,Assumptions,Etc,had to hold.

Then, Troubled Beginnings settle in as I was playing Microsoft Flight Simulator,Especially the X version. Most people refer to it as FSX.

I will admit that,when I started playing Microsoft Flight Simulator X,I was going the same routes people did during medieval times. For example,people imitated birds in order to fly. However,I was learning how to fly with a computer,keyboard,and a mouse. That was all. In the case of people imitating birds in order to fly,I never did that. I went ahead and loaded Microsoft Flight Simulator in the Computer when came my turn to use it. I did the usual,wait for the computer to warm up. Then,I entered Flight Simulator X,which I had installed a while back on the computer I was using as of the Summer in 2008. When the game loaded up,I went ahead and chose what I wanted to fly. The next thing I did was,Press keys on the keyboard and use the mouse. My flights were not at all at their best. I often times had a very poor quality display of the aircraft/airplane,with the crash settings turned off. This means that my aircraft/airplane would look like it has/had been recovered from the garbage disposal. From there,I would be pressing the arrow keys and I would be doing barrel rolls,sparrow dives,and many other things. Astoundingly,I did not let a crash end my game. As the summer break of 2009 progressed,one year after I was getting into the game,Microsoft Flight Simulator X. I would continue to play. However,I still used keyboards and mice in order to fly. I was never really happy in almost all honesty. The reason I say almost is because,There are times when I use the keyboards and mice in order to fly. They are not the best things to use in order to fly whilst playing Microsoft Flight Simulator,any,every,and all versions. Please,use either a yoke,rudder pedals, and or a joystick while you fly. I will admit that when I did that,I felt much better. Especially about my flying and game plays. Optional pieces of equipment,but highly recommend are,A radio panel,Multi-panel,And additional Cockpit parts,such as (Light) switch panel.

I Would Eventually Have Found Such Thing As Flight Controls in Order To Play Microsoft Flight Simulator,Including FSX.

Lastly,but most certainly,not least. This is how I learned more about The Video Gaming Equipment to improve flights,flying,and game plays. In other words,Fly and Play,Flight Simulator Games better. This includes any,every,and all versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator.

As I would do my usual about browsing the Internet,I came across Flight Controls in order to play Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Most often,the products would be advertised within my presence. How? There would be advertisement banners on,as well as other Flight Simulation sites that would have the products being advertised on them.

When the Summer Break Of 2010 arrived,I had been in The Civilian Auxiliary Of The United States Air Force. It is commonly known as Civil Air Patrol. During The First month of being a member,I was participating in Orientation Flights. Often times,these are called O-Flight(Oh Flights) mainly due to the way the Military often times speaks. These flights literally consist of being introduced to flying in a real and true aircraft/airplane operated by The Civil Air Patrol. While the cadet members are waiting,they are given opportunities to play Microsoft Flight Simulator Games.The Civil Air Patrol at that time was using FSX,mainly due to popularity in most members that are in Civil Air Patrol. During my waiting time,I had seen the Flight Simulator Yoke in one of the Briefing Rooms. What came to my mind was,”This looks familiar”. In fact it even was familiar. There was a Flight Simulator Control Yoke along with pedals,attached to a computer’s USB ports. However,I did not use them first,mainly due to the fact that it was mine,along with another cadets turn to go flying together. But,upon my return,I had seen cadets use the Flight Simulator equipment mentioned in this piece of writing. If anything,I played on the Simulator a little bit. But not a whole lot.This took place on July 10,2010. On my second time I went for Orientation Flights with Civil Air Patrol,which was on July 24,2010,I went and played on The Flight Simulator a lot more than I did on The 10th of July,2010. I noticed that it was good. I was really feeling better to a broad comprehensive amount. It was a promised sign of relief for me, From each,any,every,and all of those days I used computer keyboards,and mice. I for sure wanted the equipment.

Within a few weeks after the 24th of July,2010,My wishes became true. There was talking among my friends,family,and acquaintances,especially alike about what I needed and/or wanted in order to make my flights,flying,and game plays better. After any,ever,and all discussions about equipment in order to fly and play Microsoft Flight Simulator X better,a decision was made. Go ahead and purchase a Flight Sim Yoke,including a set of pedals. Out of my Family’s Hearts Gratitude, They went ahead and made the order for some of the equipment. Which of course,I still thank them for.

A few days later,The Yoke and Pedals arrived.They were made by CH Products.They wer not as fancy as the Saitek yoke and pedals. However,I was and as a matter of fact still am grateful to have them.However,within 7 years later,I went ahead and purchased some Saitek Products. The Saitek Products were A Multi-panel,which contains the Auto/Automatic Pilot,and a Comms/Communications (radio) panel. With my CH Products Flight yoke and pedals,there was nothing digital on them. I was and in fact more than okay with that. One thing I really love about my CH Products Flight Sim Yoke is,it has almost all things in one yoke. For example,It includes engine controls such as the following lever items. A Throttle, (In order to make the plane aircraft/airplane to make it go faster and/or slower) ,Propeller Control(To adjust the Propeller Blades angles/angling accordingly),and Mixture Control( To either enrich and/or lean the mixture). The Yoke even has a Trim wheel. The trim wheel is used in order to adjust your aircraft/airplane’s attitude to either go up and or down in a certain way. The Trim wheel basically acts like the autopilot for an aircraft/airplane. The CH Flight Sim yoke allows the flying person/gamer to change his views in his aircraft/airplane to whatever he,she,and they want to see. For example,press a certain button and it will take you to another view,such as the spot view of the aircraft/airplane. The person/people using the yoke can and may also change the angling to whatever they want to see,just like the hat switch of a joystick. Other buttons will allow the person/people to open the knee board whilst playing Microsoft Flight Simulator Games.

I normally use a Joystick when it comes to flying certain aircraft/airplanes. The reason I say normally is mainly due to the fact that,these vehicles have sticks as their yokes. A Yoke is a flight control that is normally used for pitching and rolling. Pitch means go up and down.Roll means go left and right. Yaw on the other hand,means turn with the Rudders via the rudder pedals.

These aircraft/airplanes normally consist of Helicopters,Fighter planes,Some Fighter-Bomber/Bomber planes,including Gliders/Sailplanes,Wright Flyer,you name whatever else has a Joystick in order to fly . Please note that,I did not,make any of these aircraft/airplanes. This means that,I did not come up with the idea to use a (Joy) stick in order to fly.

I also fly with a joystick sometimes in order to try some things that I might be asked later on in the future. An example would be,what would happen IF I fly a Piper PA-32 Saratoga with a Joystick? I answered the question by,Attaching a Joystick to the USB Port in my Computer,Loaded up FSX,Chose the aircraft/airplane,and then from there,went flying. What I found was,there was a lot of good.The Joystick did its things. This means that they still worked the rudder pedals,along with the engine controls,and yokes.However,the aircraft/airplane was a little difficult to control using a Joystick. Reassuringly,i did not have my crash settings turned on. Meaning that,I did not lose a flying/gaming session due to the fact that my aircraft/airplane has crashed. Fortunately,The Add-on was payware,made by Carenado Simulations. It had almost any,every,and all real Piper Saratogas have in order to fly.

As the article comes to a close,I would like to say, at the bare/very minimums, use a Flight Simulator Control Yoke,Pedals,and/or a joystick in order to fly and play your Flight Simulator Games better. You will have a better time. I did for sure. I even had better landings. What I was saying to you is,for those who like aircraft/airplanes,and love to play Flight Simulator Games,this article is for you. Have many more and better pleasant flights ahead of you. Thank you for reading.



Michael Saul

I am an enthusiast of the following categories. Aviation,Health,Safety,Maritime,Military,Pets,and Animals. Most of my writing is going to be about those items.