
Finding Myself Here — Dennett

Featured Writer at Flint & Steel

Flint and Steel
Published in
7 min readApr 1, 2022


© Dennet — A recent photo of me taken by Captain Argentina and used with permission

How did you discover Medium and how long have you been writing here?

I’ve been here since the mind-boggling, soul-sapping 2016 presidential election. And, honestly, I have no idea how I discovered Medium. I remember nothing about that introduction. I blame my memory loss on presidential depression! All I recall is setting up my profile a couple of weeks after the election.

What are you reading, listening to and/or watching these days?

Of course, I’m always reading on Medium! But, on my bedside table is “The Library at Night” by Alberto Manguel. Its bookmark indicates I’m about 1/4 into the book. I’m loving it so far. Next to that book are the not-yet-started “The Wild Silence” by Raynor Winn and “White Spines — Confessions of a Book Collector” by Nicholas Royle.

I should point out two things here. First, I recently discovered the British bookseller, Blackwell’s, where I can often find books cheaper than on Amazon (and the prices include shipping to the USA) and where I can find the Brit Lit that I love so much. After discovering Medium, my book reading diminished. Last year, I realized I missed books and made a point to reincorporated books into my daily habits. I’ve been averaging two a month since…



Flint and Steel

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.