Why is Democracy Being De-Pressed

David Chinook Bean
Flippin Obvious
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2022


Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

So what? if at the end of each column, the publication asks for money?
So what? if the first intro to your candidate is the beg.
So what? if the criteria to run for office set by the FEC is money.
So what? if only 86% of the population does not pay for the press.
It is a free country, isn’t it?
More realistically, isn’t this a beggar nation….
Where we transmit powerlessness to our. . . citizen/consumers.

We are living in the Golden Age of corruption
and no, it was not ever thus.
When I was a paperboy, 3/4s of the families on my hill
paid for the paper and had it delivered.
It was called a monthly subscription.
Corruption like politics, is local. It was a local paper.
That was in the 50s and early sixties.

There was just the bud of the military industrial congressional complex
and the politics news publishing profiteering complex was yet to be born
Much less the profound profiling targeting and social engineering
exemplified but not limited to Cambridge Analytica
and the upper eschelons, how they rose? from millionaires to billionaires
a perversity beyond…



David Chinook Bean
Flippin Obvious

Digs Environmental and Monetary sanity, Politics when talking with the Other guy, Gregory Bateson- mentor, CO, Edits Flippin Obvious. davidchinookbean@gmail.com