Lana Jelenjev
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2018


My Defining Moment

It was at the end of 2004 that my husband and I lost our first born baby son, Eilon due to birth complications.

During that period, what I struggled the most was the shock of dealing with the death of our new born baby rather than the shock of being new parents.

Organising his funeral instead of taking taking care of nappies and breastfeeding.

Having sleepless nights for the wrong reason, crying endlessly into my pillow.

We lived in London at the time, with no family around us. The community was trying its best to help but we were so alone.

It was only after I’ve found an online support group that my life started to brighten step by step.

My Transformation

I personally saw and felt what the power of a group can do, and how sharing your story with people who have been through the same can help in healing.

Even if it feels so sometimes — you’re not alone.

I realised what a listening ear and empathy can mean. I quickly became the facilitator of this group and did it for a few years.

When it was time for a career change, I became a counsellor specialising in pregnancy-loss and later on became a life-coach.

Now I train the next generation of practitioners so they can be there and help others.

My Circle of Support Inspiration

My support group: the hundreds of women who were willing to share their heartbreaking stories and their feelings with strangers online. You saved my life.

My husband, we were always in this together. Till today.

My parents, sister and brother, who were there to support and love at any given moment.

The many friends who kept in touch. The distant family member who came to talk to me from her own experience and the family friend who’s a Dr. and saved my sanity by keeping telling me that I did nothing wrong!

How I am Now

I made helping others my profession.

Teaching the next generations of counsellors and coaches means that I can trust that there will be wonderful people out there who will help others with their life-challenges. And that means a lot.

Noa is a counsellor, Life-Coach and trainer for the International Counselling and Coaching courses at the Academy for Counselling and Coaching. She uses the Person-Centred approach combined with Positive mental attitude elements to her work.

You can read more about her at www.nbmove.com

FLIP THE NARRATIVE is all about highlighting the growth, resilience and reinvention that happens after challenging and dark periods.

It’s about sharing the message after the mess, holding space, vulnerability and honesty to our defining moments, the people who supported us, and the changes that came from such an ordeal. This is being studied as Post Traumatic Growth.

Do you have a Transformational story of Growth after trauma to share?

You can write your stories in this form https://goo.gl/forms/yqAfxjrVW4d79U5J2



Lana Jelenjev

Author of The 90 Day Action Planner, Community Builder: Designing Communities for Change. Community Alchemist and Learning Experience Designer.