Writers Wanted for Flipping the Script

A new health publication with a new take

Dr. Julian Barkan
Flipping the Script


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The health profession can sometimes seem closed off to new ideas. I have known a lot of physicians to be offended when patients tell them information that they learned and are acting on, without the direction of the doctor. If that doctor has never heard of that new idea, it can quickly get dismissed as “nonsense.”

But if someone is becoming healthier either from self-education or from other sources that are not considered “traditional,” I think it is important to hear them out. After all, regardless of the training health professionals receive, there is always a new approach to consider or something new to learn.

I would like people to share their health journeys.

What worked and what didn’t?

Share your stories navigating the medical system and the issues you faced.

Comment below if you would like to be added as a writer.



Dr. Julian Barkan
Flipping the Script

Family Med Physician/Learner/Reader. Writing to express my thoughts, sometimes teach, and mostly learn. Editor of Flipping the Script/Patient Perspectives