Sending automated email campaigns with multiple RSS feeds

James Qualtrough
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2017

— whilst personalising emails for individual subscriber preferences

One of the easiest and the quickest ways to set up automated email campaigns to keep your subscribers engaged and interacting with your content is to use your blog’s RSS feed.

An RSS based email campaign sends new blog posts via email to your list. The process can be automated saving you time whilst ensuring your subscribers get timely content regularly. You just have to create the campaign once and it will keep sending emails as per your schedule, provided there are new blog posts published on the blog.

All the leading autoresponders have the feature of RSS-to-email including MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, Aweber, Constant Contact, and others.

Your subscribers will keep receiving blog posts via email and everyone will be happy.

But what if you have multiple blogs in the same niche, or multiple categories in your blog?

What if you wish to combine RSS feeds from two or more blogs or categories in a single campaign?

For instance, you might have five industry categories on your job site. Or you may have 20 location categories on your real estate site. Subscribers may not be interested in all of the categories, and may only wish to subscribe to certain industries or locations. Before recently your options are to send everything and hope the subscriber doesn’t mind sifting through your content to find what they are looking for or send one email for each category so people subscribing to multiple categories receive multiple newsletters.

The other manual way to do this is to create combined feeds for every possible combination of subscriber preference, but this really is unworkable — just five categories would require 31 different feeds with campaigns set up for each.

The easy way to achieve this is to use an automation service like FlipRSS. It works with Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor and automates multiple RSS feeds based on individual user subscription preferences. This makes your life easy and automates the full process.

Here is how it works.

1. set up FlipRSS by connecting to your preferred email service provider

2. add the list and template IDs from your email service provider

2. add your RSS feeds

3. set the conditions for who each RSS feed is to be shown to

4. schedule your email to send daily, weekly, monthly or simply as and when you choose

FlipRSS uses the mailing list you specify from Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor and tailors each individual email based on your subscriber’s preferences. They will only receive content in their email from the feeds they are most interested in and most likely to engage with.

So, FlipRSS can save you hours of work every week/month and help to increase engagement and subscriber satisfaction. What’s not to like. Start automating multiple RSS-to-Email here.



James Qualtrough

40+ and just at the start! 🚀 Behind the scenes at, proud dad of 3, and living Island Life 🇮🇲 Navigating life’s trails & tides, #stoma and all.