Flipside Governance Recap | 10 March 2023

Flipside Governance
3 min readMar 10, 2023

Welcome to the Flipside Governance Team Recap. Here you’ll get a full view of what we‘re up to each week, from penning proposals to publishing research to our all-important voting activity & rationales. Enjoy!

🚨 Team Highlights

We’re back from ETHDenver — and still alive. Fig published a recap of the team’s learnings while attending this year’s conference and side events. Raph and Fig certainly embraced the event slogan ‘Mile High DeFi,’ meeting quality teams and partners. A few topics which stood out were: DAOs, Coinbase’s new Base network, and the growing importance of customer experience. Forget the FOMO, give the article a read, and feel like you made the trip yourself!

Flipside Governance — ETHDenver 2023 Recap

📰 Governance News of the Week

MakerDAO Nears Voting on ‘The Maker Constitution’

Eager voters like Flipside await MakerDAO’s constitution vote which is set to begin on Monday, March 13th. This vote seeks to confirm the DAO and core units’ march towards the Endgame, outlined by co-founder Rune. It has some interesting effects on governance within the DAO, introducing two levels of delegates, constitutional voter committees, and a wider range of rewards. Voters are split on either side of the aisle, with valuable MKR waiting to cast a vote. Will be a fun one — be sure to see how Flipside envisions the future of MakerDAO.

Senate Labs is now Live!

Senate Labs, built by our friend Kohei, is now live for governance participants across your favorite DAOs. Built upon practices refined by our team at Flipside and other governance outfits, Senate Labs aims to better organize the contributions of voters and delegates. The platform aggregates voting spaces and discussion forums to promote better tracking and participation in both on and off-chain governance.

Check out the site now — and see how it feels:

Senate Labs

Congrats again to the team at Senate Labs!

📊 Analysis of the Week

Be safe out there Cosmonauts! Since the release of a super cool tool that allows users to submit proposals straight to the blockchain without CLI knowledge, 427 proposals have been submitted on Cosmos Hub. Of these proposals, 6 have made it to voting and only 3 have been legitimate proposals.

If you see a proposal floating around with a title such as “ATOM AIRDROP” or a copy of a past proposal, exercise caution when interacting with the proposal and do not click any links. They stand to be malicious. If you would like to track governance spam on the Cosmos Hub, we have created a dashboard with more information on this situation.

📜 Flipside Governance Activity

For more all-around governance content, be sure to follow us on Twitter or here on Medium. We’ll keep you updated.

Hear, hear! If you dig the work we’re doing for our partner DAOs and want to delegate to us, click the links below to get to the delegation page:

If you are interested in joining the Flipside Governance team, we are always listening — DM @flipsidegov on Twitter.

