Flipside Governance | Year in Review 2022 & Weekly Recap

Flipside Governance
5 min readDec 23, 2022

2022 Year in Review

It has been an exciting and formative year for our team, and we want to thank all of you for following and supporting us along this journey. We’ve learned so much over the last 12 months and can’t wait to keep building for our DAO partners in 2023! Have an amazing holiday & New Year!

And now, let’s take a look back at some highlights from the last year:

✅ Voting & Participation

With the end of 2022 approaching, the Govy team took some time to reflect on our voting over the past year. The scope of our team’s work has expanded dramatically this year to include many protocols across Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, and more. Included below is a table of all our votes, but first, here are some year-end stats.

The Govy team documented 562 submitted votes for the year, which are split by protocol in the table below. We participated most in Osmosis, MakerDAO, Optimism, and Aave. Combined, those four protocols made up 74.6% of our total votes.

Some key stats:

  • Total votes: 562
  • Most votes in a single protocol: 133, Osmosis (24% of all votes)
  • Different protocols / DAOs: 20

We voted ‘Yes’ on 394 proposals and ‘No’ on 115. We abstained from 24 votes, and another 24 of our votes were too complex to use the standard Yes/No/Abstain options. See all our 2022 votes in this table:

Voting participation generally increased throughout the year, with the biggest week being this one! This week’s votes and rationales are at the end of this post.

🏆 Top Articles | Research & Content

The Govy team has been hard at work, thinking, and writing about our different experiences within and around DAOs.

We’re grateful for a growing audience, and are excited to highlight some of our favorite articles from the year here:

Give these a read and let us know your favorite!

📊 Our Favorite Data & Dashboards

After all, Flipside is a data company — see below some our favorite dashboards delivering Governance insights to our top DAOs and partners.

We are excited to continue to invest in our partners via curated data tables and dashboards, revealing valuable Governance insights.

Take a look at your favorite ecosystem above!

Now back to regular programing…

Recap for the Week of 12.23.22

🚨 Team Highlights

  • A Year In Review: Govy Show #15
    This week’s Govy Show was a bit nostalgic. Reflecting on our favorite guests, controversial votes, and governance learnings, the team closed out a great start of our weekly Twitter spaces. Whether you were a guest or listener in this year, thank you so much for your support and we can’t way to have you back in 2023!
  • Fig is elected a Badgeholder!
    Ethereum Governance Contributor Fig Gowen was elected as one of 10 “badgeholders” and will be a Token House delegate for Optimism 🎉. Badgeholders earn a voting badge and work alongside the Citizen House to help decide the recipients of the RetroPGF #2 — to learn more about this program and Fig’s responsibility, read here:

✏️ Our Research and Content

Our resident philosopher — Raphael Spannocchi — postulates the merits of on-chain voting and argues there may be a better way to reach consensus.

Check out his latest article, Emerging Consensus | A Way to Accelerate Decision Making in DAOswhere he explores “holacracy” and its key principles:

Holacracy is a system of organizational governance that aims to distribute authority and decision-making throughout an organization.

This article features colorful displays of AI while challenging the status quo for decision-making in crypto. Improving this model is a long and windy road — but we hope this article is a start!

Give it a read above.☝️

📰 Across the Industry: Governance News of the Week

  • Uniswap adopts a new governance process. UNI token-holders have opted to change the governance process, most notably by reducing the amount of Snapshot votes and instead hosting most governance activity on-chain. The change is expected to decrease operational overhead and make Uniswap more effective.
  • Kevin Mehrabi shares an opinion on DeFi governance decisions in the near future. The world of finance can learn from the structure of DeFi. Recent partnerships that have allowed people to invest in DeFi through traditional finance have had sometimes disastrous financial impact. Many see these negative impacts as a direct result of a lack of transparency, which truly decentralized finance attempts to solve, so creating truly decentralized governance processes is crucial to the success of DeFi.

📜 Flipside Governance Activity

For more all-round governance content, be sure to follow us on Twitter or here on Medium. We’ll keep you updated.

Hear, hear! If you dig the work we’re doing for our partner DAOs and want to delegate to us, click the links below to get to the delegation page:

If you are interested in joining the Flipside Governance team, we are always listening — DM @flipsidegov on Twitter.

