Flipside Crypto Daily Mover: ADA

A coin per day, making big moves

Dave Balter
Flipside Crypto
2 min readMar 16, 2019


Cardano Makes Strategic Moves, Fundamentals Ascend

March 15, 2019

ADA Market Maturity ascended 47-points (10.2%) in the last 14-days, leading all fundamentals to a 22-point (2.75%) increase in FCAS. User Activity has shown increased utilization, rising 39-points (4.99%), while Developer Behavior posted modest 6-point (0.69%) gains during the same time period.

Collaboration, Association, Integration

News rolling out of the ADA camp has been increasingly positive over the last few days:

→ Collaboration: It began with news on Tuesday, March 12th that IOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson met with AION CEO Matthew Spoke to discuss cross-blockchain interoperability and partnership opportunities between the two projects. Potential collaborations across the communities have been well received, as it holds potential for tech maturation and increased adoption.

→ Association: In an announcement on Thursday, March 14th, Cardano revealed that they would be one of the founding members of the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA). The INATBA is an initiative launched by the European Commission intended to help guide regulation that will foster the adoption and development of blockchain technology.

→ Integration: After a February 2nd announcement that Cardano would be integrating the Ledger hardware wallet into their ecosystem, Hoskinson fueled rumors of an impending release by posting a picture of a gold-embossed “CARDANO” Ledger wallet. The cold storage convenience offered by Ledger’s tech is a major boon for ADA.

Rising Tides, Rolling Volumes

Amid the buzz, markets have swelled with trading volume through the week leading to 12.64% gains in the last 7 days. These announcements have also excited and galvanized the Cardano community, spurring an increase in User Activity on the blockchain.

Hot Take

Cardano is now at the forefront of regulatory guidance on the supranational-level, strengthening its alignment with major players on the industry-level, and increasing accessibility on the user-level. A formidable trifecta for a project with sound fundamentals.

What is FCAS?
Fundamental Crypto Asset Score (FCAS) is a comparative metric used to assess the fundamental health of crypto projects. The score is derived from the interactivity between primary project life-cycle factors: User Activity, Developer Behavior, and Market Maturity.

Each asset is given a score, 0–1000, and an associated rank.

