Flipside Daily Mover: ANT

A coin per day, making big moves

Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto
3 min readSep 16, 2019


ANT Releases Eye-Catching ‘Camino’

September 16, 2019

ANT User Activity is up 22.19% over the last 7 days, driving FCAS up 45-points (7.22%). Developer Behavior climbed 8-points (0.9%) along with a 106-point spike in Market Maturity. Price is up 10.95% over the same time period.

That’s The Way You Do It

Looking for a sure-fire way to boost Project Utilization? Release a handsome new product with enhanced features and usability, ceremoniously release it with a solid marketing campaign, and make the product easy to test and launch…then dust hands off and go back to work. Easy peasy.

The Aragon team must have gotten the memo with their new Aragon 0.8 release, Camino. Released on September 10th, Camino means “the way” in Spanish, a nod to the Chinese word ‘dao’ of similar meaning (which itself is of course prophetic for Aragon’s goal of supporting DAOs). The application combines a number of disparate elements that ANT has been working on, including Aragon Agent (an account that can interact with Ethereum contracts or protocol on behalf of the DAO), templates for setting-up different types of DAOs, improved Voting and Finance modules, and email notifications. It is available on both Ethereum mainnet and Rinkeby testnet.

🌶️ Hot Take

One of the major impediments to adoption of blockchain-based applications still lies in the user experience. Few projects have managed to release products that offer a refined use case, robust functionality, and intuitive design all at once. Aragon has made big strides on this front with their Camino release, offering quick-and-easy set-up options, aesthetically pleasing design, and simplified functionality. While some elements still feel foreign and embedded deep in the blockchain world, the overall product is impressive.

The primary challenge Aragon faces is being able to spread the gospel of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in a meaningful way in order to drive product adoption. Conceptually, the idea of running a DAO can feel counterintuitive to the average user, and thus significant education is essential along the path forward. Luis Cuende and team seem up to the challenge, with more innovation releases likely on the horizon.

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Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto

Director of Governance @ Flipside Crypto/Garage Rocker/Philly Sports fan