Flipside Daily Mover: EVX

A coin per day, making big moves

Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto
2 min readSep 23, 2019


EVX Expands Presence, Boosts Utilization

September 23, 2019

EVX FCAS climbed 8.93% over the last 7 days. Fundamentals are up across the board, including an 87-point (14.62%) spike in User Activity, 18-point (4.32%) jump in Developer Behavior, and a 2-points (0.33%) rise in Market Maturity. Price is up 3.76% over the same time period.

From East to West

Everex has created a peer-to-peer payments application, supporting stablecoin solutions, ERC-20s, and security token functionality. The project has targeted remittance markets in Southeast Asia through a B2C business model. Two recent developments have boosted the project’s utilization over the last week.

The first came on September 13th, when EVX released wallet support for USDC. This comes on the heels of their August 13th announcement that NJ Department of Banking and Insurance had issued the project their full Money Transmitter license. By expanding their customer base and integrating a widely used stablecoin, the team greatly expanded the usability of their platform.

The second development came on September 16th, announcing the listing of EVX on Bitkub, Thailand’s leading digital asset exchange. The move further entrenches Everex in the Southeast Asia region, deepening its two-pronged strategy of establishing a presence in both Eastern and Western markets.

🌶️ Hot Take

Everex is focusing its efforts into markets ripe for the adoption of improved financial services. The team has continued to iterate on a product that is easy-to-use and which delivers on a refined set of potential use cases. As their solutions mature and the corridors where they operate improve digital asset infrastructure, EVX is poised for continued growth.

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Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto

Director of Governance @ Flipside Crypto/Garage Rocker/Philly Sports fan