Flipside Daily Mover: FCAS 25

A coin per day, making big moves

Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto
3 min readJul 1, 2019


FCAS 25 Surges in Volatile Month

July 1, 2019

The FCAS 25 tracks the overall health of the crypto-asset industry by following the fundamental scores of the top 25 projects over time. The time-weighted moving average for these 25 assets is up 35-points (4.37%) over the month of June.

Who is in, who is out?

Members of the FCAS 25 are reevaluated each month and must be ranked within the top 25 for at least 40 days to qualify. Today, a new set of members was released with a number of significant changes. This month, MKR, BCH, IOTX, STEEM, XLM, and XVG have all surged to claim spots on the list, replacing XRP, ZIL, LTC, RDN, LSK, and ETC. ADA moved into the 3 spot, while KIN, XMR, and REP slid down in overall rank but maintained membership.

Maturation & Volatility

June rolled in rather unassuming, markets were seeing sideways movements and projects were still shaking off post-Consensus hangovers, but by mid-month with the release of the Libra whitepaper and a surge in volatility from BTC, the landscape changed significantly. Amidst the new glow brought by Facebook’s public foray into the space, projects continued to crank undeterred on their roadmaps with new releases and announcements emerging daily.

The maturation of both crypto platforms and projects with refined use cases was markedly apparent through June. Last month alone, platforms such as MFT, ENG, CS, and OMG were all featured in the Daily Mover following new releases or major boosts in development efforts. Additionally, STORJ, NMR, BLZ, and LINK among other refined projects, all recorded significant increases in FCAS or fundamentals. While not all these assets are members of the top 25, their performance is indicative of current industry-wide trends.


🌶️ Hot Take

The month of June took March’s idiom and reversed it: in like a lamb, out like a lion. Hype was high by its end, as Bitcoin price swings stole headlines. BTC volatility and performance surges were tied to a relatively small number of wallet addresses, indicating that price movements were brought on by Bitcoin whales, rather than a flurry of retail interest following the Libra announcement.

Nevertheless, the impact of Libra on the industry as been wholly positive in the short-term. Through countless analyses and reviews of the whitepaper, the system seems like a viable solution as a payments platform combining interesting aspects of existing blockchain tech. Though the vision is far-reaching, Libra offers a crypto product that is inherently more adoption-friendly than its competitors, particularly regarding user confidence, given its ties with Facebook and the large corporations who will be running nodes on the network.

As for the rest of the industry, it will be exciting to see which projects make major moves in July, as many continue to focus efforts on driving user adoption as their tech matures. Never a dull moment in the land of crypto.

FCAS Tracker is free and available now for investors.

The FCAS Tracker provides institutional and sophisticated retail investors a “Top Down” approach to tracking 500+ crypto project fundamentals. FCAS Tracker is currently free to a select group of new users as we continue to develop the product.

*The material contained in this e-mail is not to be construed as an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell a security nor is it to be construed as investment advice.



Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto

Director of Governance @ Flipside Crypto/Garage Rocker/Philly Sports fan