Flipside Daily Mover: STORJ

A coin per day, making big moves

Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto
2 min readSep 6, 2019


STORJ Strengthens Following V3 Beta Release

September 6, 2019

STORJ FCAS climbed 3.49% over the last 2 weeks. Fundamentals are up across the board, including a 16-point (1.82%) spike in Developer Behavior, 31-point (9.09%) rise in User Activity, and a 17-point (3.08%) gain in Market Maturity. Price is down -2.92% over the same time period.

Pioneer 1, Go!

Storj, one of the leading decentralized cloud storage players, moved into beta on August 22nd, and their fundamentals have responded positively. Dubbed Pioneer 1, the release is the first beta of the team’s V3 network, with a second beta, Pioneer 2, following closely as the final precursor to their full-production Voyager release.

Pioneer 1 coincided with the beta reveal of the Tardigrade Cloud Storage Service, Storj Labs’ ambitious “enterprise-grade, decentralized cloud storage service”. The idea is for the Storj network to be an open-source base layer that supports enterprise-ready distributed cloud storage systems. The V3 network is looking to improve on V2 deficiencies related to performance and cost that should help the product compete with centralized market participants.

🌶️ Hot Take

Anyone in the cryptosphere can attest to the mind-bending pace at which the industry evolves. Crypto years pass more like dog years, packing tremendous amounts of development and innovation into periods of time that seem relatively short to those not gripping the red-hot axis upon which it rotates. Storj Labs Inc. emulates this sentiment, creating products that, while not yet fully operational, have matured in impressive fashion to soon begin challenging the behemoths of centralized cloud storage. Exciting times as the industry awaits Voyager’s launch.

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Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto

Director of Governance @ Flipside Crypto/Garage Rocker/Philly Sports fan