Flipside Rank Movers: 9/7/19–9/13/19

A coin per day, making big moves

Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto
2 min readSep 13, 2019


Welcome to the First Edition of Rank Movers

September 13, 2019

We’re excited to introduce Rank Movers, now officially the Friday Edition of your regularly scheduled Daily Mover programming. As the FCAS rating has evolved, our team has noticed the industry paying particular attention to Ranks in addition to the actual score changes across fundamentals. As such, it felt like a natural next step to shine a spotlight on assets that are moving Rank, to deliver further insights into the mechanics of this aspect of our ratings. Hope you enjoy!

For a refresher, here is how FCAS Ranks are designated:

And, without further adieu, this week’s Rank Movers:

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The FCAS Tracker provides institutional and sophisticated retail investors a “Top Down” approach to tracking 500+ crypto project fundamentals. FCAS Tracker is currently free to a select group of new users as we continue to develop the product.

*The material contained in this email is not to be construed as an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell a security nor is it to be construed as investment advice.



Avi Meyers
Flipside Crypto

Director of Governance @ Flipside Crypto/Garage Rocker/Philly Sports fan