Highlights from Flipside Crypto’s trip to Singapore

Flipside Crypto
Flipside Crypto
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2019
Pictured: Flipside CEO Dave Balter in action at CoinMarketCap’s The Capital

Last week, the Flipside team flew to Asia to share our work and spread the good word of blockchain analytics with the broader community in Singapore. We attended The Capital by CoinMarketCap, along with a number of other events and afterparties, to meet with our vibrant community of customers, partners, and investors.

I. The Contingent

  • Dave Balter, CEO
  • Jim Myers, CTO
  • Avi Meyers, Director of Client Relations
Pictured: Dave, Jim, and Avi at their Capital booth, having one of many insightful conversations with attendees.

II. Dave Balter speaks at The Capital by CoinMarketCap

We were particularly excited to support our partners at CoinMarketCap by sponsoring their inaugural event, The Capital by CoinMarketCap conference, where our CEO gave a presentation to a packed crowd on the Main Stage.

Dave went deep on evaluating blockchains as businesses, key metrics every blockchain should track, and how Flipside analyzes cryptocurrency user behaviors and drives growth.

Click on the image below to view the presentation 👇

Pictured: Dave kicking off his speech at The Capital.

III. Live FCAS Demo with Horizen Labs & Zilliqa

After the initial presentation, Dave was joined on stage by our friends, Kenneth Bok from Zilliqa and Robert Viglione from Horizen Labs, to do a live assessment of their blockchains and money flows using FCAS ratings and other Flipside business intelligence solutions.

Left: Dave Balter with Ken Bok from Zilliqa; Right: Dave Balter with Rob Vilgione from Horizen Labs

IV. Interview with Nicholas Mertens of Data Dash

After the presentation, Dave participated in a livestreamed interview with none other than Nicholas Mertens, Founder of Data Dash, the largest crypto YouTube channel in the world. Catch it live at the CryptoBar or livestreamed on social media.

Click the image below to view the interview 👇

Video: Dave being interview by Nicholas Mertens, of Data Dash.

V. Key Takeaway

While we enjoyed meeting with all of our stakeholders, it was the conversations with our customers that were the most engaging. As the industry continues mature and institutionalize, we found that blockchain projects are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the ways they examine their ecosystems, customers, and money flows. The value of Flipside’s behavioral models, analytics and on-chain metrics is becoming an essential part of their go-to market and growth strategies.

Pictured: With our friends Sam Pajot-Phipps and Calvin Sribniak-Jones fom the Open Application Network, (formerly Aion).

VI. Exploring Local Culture

They say that fun stimulates imagination and productivity, which assists problem solving and other areas where creativity is needed. Needless to say, it wasn’t all work in Singapore, and the team indulged themselves in the city that blends Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and English cultures, religions, and of course, incredible culinary opportunities. 👨🏻‍🍳

Pictured: Dave and Jim enjoying some street food in one of Singapore’s popular ‘Hawkers’.

