ShroomDK is here

Brendan Murray
Flipside Crypto
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2022

Flipside Crypto’s SDK has arrived in the form of an NFT

You’ve asked, and we’ve been listening. “Wen Flipside Crypto’s SDK?”

Well, we don’t like to keep the #bestanalyticminds in crypto waiting. So, our team put our heads together to come up with one.

But we knew it couldn’t just be any ol’ SDK. It had to be something bigger. Something better. Something that could live up to the high standards of our community and builders throughout the space.

So that’s what we came up with.

Meet ShroomDK, Flipside’s SDK, wrapped in an NFT. Free to mint and available to anyone, anywhere.

You’ve got questions.

We’ve got answers.

Let’s dive into it.

What is Shroom DK?

ShroomDK is Flipside Crypto’s SDK, with a naming nod to everyone’s favorite fungi (more on that in a minute.) It’s that simple.

But it’s also so much more.

ShroomDK is your API key to the most comprehensive blockchain data in crypto (wrapped in an NFT). Mint it, and you get access to the most comprehensive blockchain data in crypto — including data on Ethereum, Solana, Optimism, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Polygon, Flow, and many, many more.

But this isn’t just any on-chain data. It’s the best in the business. With ShroomDK, we take care of data so you take care of doing. Query blockchain data without managing nodes, complex data pipelines, or petabyte-scale databases.

How does it work?

“Wait, an SDK wrapped inside an NFT?” We hear you asking. “What’s that mean?” “Is it free to mint” “Can’t I just get access without having to mint the NFT?”

Yes, you need to mint the NFT to access the SDK. Yes, minting is free.

Mint ShroomDK, get FREE access to the SDK. We promise, it really is that simple.

A random amount of NFTs will be able to be minted each day. We’ll release new mints each and every day. Don’t feel like waiting for the next day’s mints? Find a referral code from someone who already has a ShroomDK NFT.

Then, once you’ve got a #ShroomDK of your very own, you can upgrade it, via Spores. Spores will unlock access to powerups, advanced product features, and a whole lot more.

Why ShroomDK?

So, why not just call it an SDK? Why all this business about shrooms, spores, and more?

Well, mushrooms are cool. And beneficial. And cute. Plus, your NFT can be upgraded via Spores. Upgrades decay. ShroomDK, get it?

But really, the name is all about what this project is at its heart. Mushrooms grow and feed the planet. They germinate and decay to support life of all forms.

This SDK is about growing and feeding the crypto ecosystem and supporting that life in all forms. It’s about applying data to nurture and grow products and derive benefits via insights, and sharing that data with the world.

When can I get it?

Right now.

Head to the ShroomDK homepage to mint your free NFT and start building with us.

Don’t want to wait to get your NFT? Find a referral code from someone who already has a ShroomDK NFT, and then get minting.

Then come buidl with us. We can’t wait to see what you create.



Brendan Murray
Flipside Crypto

Drinking coffee; playing with Lily; managing comms at Flipside Crypto